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This is a surprise to no one

It was always when, not if he’d pardon Hunter!

“From the day I took office, I promised not to interfere with justice. Turns out, I was lying.”

I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise

This is no surprise, he’s on his way out of the Oval Office and this is his son after all and as a father I can understand his decision.

Wait a second I thought we were the bad guys who were abusing government power?

Some really are above the law.

This is his legacy.

Remember r/Politics saying how good of a president Joe was because he wasn’t interfering with the sentencing of Hunter and how he would never pardon him? Ha. RIP.

Damn, he didn’t want the optics of Trump pardoning him after all the lawfare. Touche Joey, Touche. Well played

He has to pardon Hunter. Hunter is challenging the constitutionality of the ban on drug users having guns, and they can’t allow him to win that case.

This nips the case in the bud and makes it moot.

Of course his degenerate behavior gets noticed Joe. He’s the son of a president. He’s in his 50s he should be able to handle himself. What the hell are we doing?

Cue the videos of Joe saying he would not pardon him…

The only surprising part of this is that he didn’t wait until January. Maybe he IS going to step down …

Saw this coming miles away! I wonder how the “polly(tics) wants a cracker” is handling this? I know if it was Trump’s kiddos they would be freaking out!

Turns out, Biden was Corn Pop all along.

Everyone knew he was going to

Yeah, obvious move. Spent the whole campaign calling Trump a felon and immediately pardons his son.

Always knew he would do it. Lying

Anybody who is in his position would absolutely do this. However, lying about never doing it is yet another example of how corrupt this guy is.

Liberals have been crying NoOnE iS aBoVe tHe LaW the entire time Trump was charged with nonsense crimes…but this is okay because per FUCKING usual, this is (D)ifferent.

He previously said he wouldn’t do this.

This should come as a shock to absolutely no one. Joe uses his position to give one last favor to his family.

So much for “no one’s above the law” loll. I never want to hear that shit from Dems ever again.

Must be nice, my parents wouldn’t pardon my library fees if they could.

so now liberals better not say a fucking word when Trump pardons ALL the J6 political prisoners.

So Democrats who abused the system to try and jail their rivals will also pardoned their criminal family? Shocked I say

Dirt bag crook, pardon his dirt bag son

Merry Christmas Hunter, Daddy delivered your present early this year. Now keep your nose clean. He can’t pardon you again.

Both sides do this. Trump pardoned Kushner and now he will be Ambassador to France. Biden pardons son. Nothing new.

Probably Jill’s doing since Joe doesn’t even know he’s alive at this point.

What a piece of shit.

What an absolute piece of shit statement. The sense of entitlement, the narcissism, the hypocrisy… Jill has really outdone herself this time. This completely justifies Trump eventually pardoning those convicted of crimes over January 6th and completely vindicates Trump for calling out the politically motivated “lawfare” employed against him by this administration. What a joke our justice system has become.

How about we charge him for the sex tape with his underage niece instead of a clerical error?

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