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Is this about doge

>`An image showing a person crouching on the ground, setting up a small domino, labeled “Japanese woman takes a picture of her Shiba Inu”, to initiate a chain reaction. The dominos progressively increase in size, with the smallest domino being near the person and the largest, labeled “Elon Musk gets a US goverment department”, towering in the background.`

Nah fuck that, it isn’t the dogs fault. Just go back in time to 1980 Pretoria and placed a comically large anvil above a doorway in a specific location

This is the Great Dog theory of history yet again. If not for Kabosu, there would have been some other cute and slightly dopey looking pet to capture the zeitgeist of that moment

granted. instead, elon musk destroys the country while running HARAMBE (Heckin’ Awesome Reallocation of American Monetary Business Efficiency)

there’s a very good chance that a lot of people are going to die as a side effect of deregulation by what’s essentially a crappy joke that ran it’s course like 7 years ago

and that dogs name? elvis presley

Wouldn’t it be easier to kill Elon Musk while he wasn’t famous?

In the timeline doge didn’t exist they would’ve just coopted some other early 2010s meme

rip kabosu 🙁

Kabosu never deserved any of this

That picture is about to destroy the us economy

The hilarious thing about Elon is he think he’s relevant despite using memes that are so dead not even necromancy can bring them back

This shit was going to happen either way, they would have just picked a different dumbfuck name.

Kabosu would not approve what is going on here…

Goddamn it, I completely forgot Dogecoin was a thing. Is a thing. I dunno, I actually have a life so I don’t follow cryptocurrency.

Actions of a man who thinks cutting off the head of a weed kills it

the way i didn’t even make the connection to elon and just got sad that this person was mean to doge for no reason

Can someone EXPLAIN?

P. S.: the caps lock was just to make it stand out, I’m not trying to be aggressive here

.2010. Elon Musk wakes up in his room. Suddenly, a man leaps out of a time portal. [REDACTED].

/u/devtesla is surely rolling in their grave.

Ok I have literally no idea what this means could someone please explain this to me.

Okay but for real. I agree. 🤦‍♀️

The Dozhay meme?

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