Is it just the food?

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If it was so good, how come she don’t have her own man 🤔🤔🤔

She won’t have to cook a damn thing.. I’ll still be eating though

It might be because of them tig-o-bitties but what do I know

Why are we even entertaining some stupid shit like th-

*sees the comments*

Oh, forgot where I was. Right.
comment image?width=748&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d73b3ac26948d43609c2beb2b35af55055b37a

yall some horny ass niggas

feel like half the shit i see in this sub is on some horny or haha women shit

The fastest man into a way is stomach in the heart.

or something.

No need to steal, we can share if I get a plate too. I’m so tired of having to pick what’s for dinner every fuckin day I’ll put up with anything. Please send help

If you can steal him, then he can get stolen from you.

She might have to steal me too, hell 🍽️ I can get the strap and be a man

these comments are weird af 😭

The steak has no crust


If your man folds for a baked potato, was he really worth peeling for?

Could be a combo of snack and 🐱

Like please take this desperate, hungry ass If that’s all then bye bye

If they can steal them, they were never really yours in the first place. Also, bragging about stealing someone’s significant other is not a flex, it’s actually toxic and kinda pathetic.

Not the frozen Texas Toast

As a very large dude it’s always disappointing to see how quickly people are willing to leverage “fat” as an insult in situations like this. It also came up in that post where people were flaming a deadbeat dad who happened to be big. Makes me feel like people are constantly thinking these sorts of things about dudes who look like me but don’t actually say them out loud because they see me as a “good” person

Man these days went by so fast smh. I need like two more days off and I’ll be good lmfao. Dreading tomorrow.

Creampie for dessert

If food is all it takes, then sis, he was never really yours. Let him go.

I know dang well that these comments aren’t defending someone who look like Mrs.Potato head.

Is it a cook that steals the man?

Or is it the titties?

Is it the way it comes out that of the pan?

No, it’s probably the titties

Lmao at the title and these fuckin comments

Idk, she looks like Tyga with tits and eyeliner.

Who doin the dishes though?!

Me: Thanks for the free food for me and my girl

i love herrrrrr. i hope she steal both of us at that point 😫

Why not just open a restaurant?

Jokes on her cause I can make this plate myself

Lord if she’s a soup kitchen just say that 😂😭😂😂 just feeding the homeless but not keeping them

What meal even is that?

I’m taking BOFFUM.

Probably if it comes with dessert after.

I want to put my head deep in that canyon.

There’s no need to steal, I’m for free

Okay, but on some real shit, that food do look fire, NGL

Cooking wit kya cooking wit kya

If she says it I believe it. Shame she doesn’t swing both ways.


Her face shaped like this

She look good tho so if she cook good she probably isn’t lying

The food the nice firm tits the lips , yeah I ama fat piece of sh””

Oh yeah try me! Please

Hush…..let this woman try

What’s that round yellow thing on the right side of the plate?

That kitchen

Can she steal me, instead?

A baked potato and frozen garlic bread. She really put her foot in this

Stealing men with food??………May I have the attention of the entire church please?? Now repeat after me “BUUUURRRRNNNN HEERRR”

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