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The meaning of life is actually e girls

Philosophers wax poetic creating all of these allegories and metaphors to figure out the meaning of life.

Biologists get right to the point: Life is about *fucking.* Reproduction. Passing on DNA. Use whatever euphemism you like.

“They fucked, therefore I am.”

In biology terms life is basically just sex(more to it but not the point), if you ask a philosopher the meaning of life they’ll start talking about our true purpose, who created us, why we were created etc.

Most Biologists believe that the main function of life is to perpetuate itself. This meme conflates the word meaning with function.

You ever think about how, if you don’t have children, you’re the first in your direct lineage to not reproduce?

Me, a redditor who has no meaning in life either way

Philosopher: “Moral shit about helping other humans and furthering society and goodness”


and we here are failing in achieving both purposes

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You can be miserable and lament on the meaning of life, or you can do something more ~~productive~~ reproductive.

Biologist here:

Basically there are entire schools of philosophy that are dedicated to discerning or establishing meaning in life. They can range anywhere from affirming that some higher entity driving some form progression through human consciousness to the other extreme in that nothing matters and you are but a speck in the grand scheme of the cosmos (nihilism)

Meanwhile in biology, “life” basically boils down to “pass on genetics” and unending goal of doing just that, shown here by a picture of coitus (aka they fuckin)

So the joke is that a philosopher would give you an entire dissertation for the question, meanwhile I’d prolly just respond that its about animals getting laid.

Op doesnt know what sex is

To add to this meme:


Sex. Sex is the joke.

Biology is about passing on your genes. Philosophy is about passing on your memes.

In the eyes of biology, your only purpose is to breed and pass on the genes.

Biology doesn’t care what your goals or dreams are. But to create life and pass on the DNA that helped achieve it through evolution or natural selection.

That’s it!

Meanwhile philosophy is more like trying to find a purpose in life besides just fucking like a rabbit

There is no way you’re this dense, OP

The purpose of life is to create more life.

That’s why every sexual creature is driven by two things, survival in all that it entails, and sex.

For some species that’s sex by any means, and unfortunately humans fall under that umbrella more than we should

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What’s the sauce of the image on the left?

As my science teacher says quite often, “the whole point of life is to fuck and die.”

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You know… if you think about the very nature of life, I mean, on the very beginning, the development of the first cell divided into two cells… the sole purpose of life has been to pass on what was learned. There is no higher purpose, and that can be applied to both.

It’s called the pessimistic meaning of life. We’re only here to breed

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Its obvious its about sex but can we talk about the random ass skeleton in the corner

Philosophers will go on and on and on about this or that reason to live or not, citing the questions of ethics and God and the like… Getting really far down the rabbit hole; whereas biologists know that it’s just about getting your rabbits in the hole.

Your stupid if you need help with this.

Dude… come on…

Meaning of life is not to go extinct

From a purely practical standpoint the only point of life is making more life. This is why the joke is sex but it actually makes sense here. You aren’t going to last forever but you can potentially have children and pass your genes along. All life does that and from that standpoint pretty much all of human behavior is all about that. We created conditions that are great for us to survive in and have made great efforts to reduce our mortality rates as that’s just the sort of thing that life does.

Philosophers of course are looking for deeper meanings but at the end of the day the only thing that *really* matters is the species surviving.

Who is the girl?

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