Dec 23, 2020 Trump pardons Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Charles Kushner.

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Damn… He personalized Flynn’s. It will be worth less on Ebay.

Rudy was selling pardons.



Yeah it’s been pretty rich reading all of the Biden pardon comments. Fucking cultists

Traitors the lot of them. In prison for crimes against the State and freed by another traitor.

I’ll take “old white men who smirk all the time for 200, alex”

“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition โ€ฆThere must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

Remains the single best definition there is.

I didn’t know he signed Flynn’s like a freaking celebrity signature. Jesus Christ!

That’s a pardon for past crimes, now they need a new of for what they did or will do in the next 4 years.

The bad guys won. Iโ€™m out. Iโ€™m too tired for this shit and I wish Trump voters everything they voted for.

These goons smiling like they did something good.

Mike Flynn lied about his Russian contacts during the 2016 election. And got pardoned. I really don’t want to hear about Hunter Biden’s pardon.

Trumpanzees donโ€™t remember thisโ€ฆ

He also plans on pardoning the Jan 6th terrorist.

Roger Stone is a true POS. Way worse than any criminal.

The leader of a country should never have the power to pardon. In most civilized countries, this isnt a thing. But yet again, the US is a shambles.

Stone is a hideous creature. They should have cast him in the Penguin.

So you’re saying there’s no difference between Trump and Biden, no difference between Republicans and Democrats.


So why do you support either of them?

Don’t forget he also pardoned Rod blagojevich the corrupt and impeached former Illinois governor and the blackwater contractors (mercenaries) that participated in the Iraq blackwater square incident.

Stop talking about pardoning co-conspirators and start talking about Biden pardoning a family member! It’s outrageous! /s

A pardon is little to be proud of. It doesnโ€™t make you innocent, it just makes you less unaccountable.

They don’t talk anymore

When you hold up your pardon after doing a line of Yayo in the bathroom

2025: pardons himself

Classy, posing with the get-out-of-jail-free card. We should all be so dignified.

Roger Stone looks like he should be working the front desk at Gringotts.

Absolute scum

bunch ‘a cunts!!!

Criminals and traitors proudly holding proof of their criminality.

And Kushner has been now been nominated as Ambassador to France….

Always remember that pardoned criminals are still criminals, or, because they committed illegal acts proven in a court of law, ‘illegals’.

Roger Stone wouldโ€™ve been in a freak show 80 years ago.

are we ready to talk about blagojevich?

The mere concept of a pardon undermines the whole system. Equal justice for all, but the president gets a magic wand for some reason!

Flynn is the ultimate traitor. He would have been hung in 1776.

But Hunter had a laptop.
You know? A laptop!!!

Trump complaining about Biden for pardoning his son, but he did it already in 2020. Why people voted for this convicted felon is beyond me.

I don’t feel bad for a god damn second about Hunter.

Well, yeah, because their crimes were FOR Trump so it isn’t corrupt.ย 

I didn’t vote this last election but did vote for Trump twice before.

I really would have thought it was the lowest thing Biden had done if he didn’t pardon his own son. We can pretend things aren’t what they are all day, but at the end of the day in America people look out for their family. And there is some honor in it, whether people like it or not.

His son wasn’t just in regular trouble, he was about to be left to the wolves that are his fathers political adversaries. It was not gonna be pretty. Good on Joe.

Now THERE are a couple of actual traitors!

You’re either annoyed by both or neither.

Anyone who trying to make one side okay is a hypocrite and you’re just arguing in bad fsith

Why do they both have Roger Stone’s name on letter?

Daredevil doesnโ€™t do pardons. Bout time we had a real life daredevil

So fucking gross.

I will never understand how that sloppy scribble is supposed to read as Donald Trump. Also, when I zoom in, I swear it says a “Full and Unconstitutional Pardon” lol.

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