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Waiting for him to get a regular sized dog and name him Medius.

This is the type of pet owner I want to be

And they will have their their cuddles in this life or the next!

I named my dog biggus. Second dog named dickus

Maximus, Minimus… now I’m just waiting for the plot twist!


2024 is starting thoughts with everything is terrible hut i saw a cute pic of a penguin today

When I had dogs, I tried out names by calling them out real loud. Can you imagine him running around and calling these dogs?!

Excellent 😆 👍

Naughtius Maximus

Ugh my dog is called Maximus and my mom recently got a chihuahua, I should’ve named her Minimus.

What a wasted opportunity 😔

A husky named Melodramaticus?

I had a friend/roommate for a while with a lab mix called Cheese. One day he came home with a chihuahua and said “this is Cheese’s new dog Queso.” He was adamant that Queso was Cheese’s dog and not his.

Reminds me of Atomic Betty

Your neighbour has consistency and that’s something most people don’t have. I’m pretty sure that’s a quality.

Nobody like min maxing

I know the little guy is the boss

I enjoyed this meme very much.

And a snake named venemous?

Wait for him to get a dog in optimal health and call it Optimus

“If you live in America or have an iPhone, contact me. I have a great idea for you to increase your income.”

Lost opportunity to name the small one Commodus.

Man’s liked calculus too much

For the win, the names should be reversed

This is a joke from Old School RuneScape.

Woulda been funnier the other way around :/

What about Getafix?

See? There are good people in this world.

Size matters bro🫸🫷

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