Is it hypocritical? I don’t give a shit.

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Judging by these comments, this is a pretty good confession bear.


My parents decided that I’m too old to still โ€œneedโ€ an inheritance and decided to give everything to my little brother lol

Donโ€™t count on it

The entirety of your inheritance is going into medical bills and nursing homes, guaranteed.

I am 54 yo and cut off contact with my MAGA dad in 2018. He owns a home in the San Francisco Bay Area and a 6 acre parcel of land in Idaho. He and his wife are also hoarders.

I have made peace with the fact that I will not be getting anything. My stepsister is the executor of his will and I already know that she, my brother, and my stepbrother will be getting everything. On the bright side, it also means that I will bear no responsibility for cleaning out his dump of a house.

What inheritance? After social security gets gutted, they’ll be calling you for money.

Never realized how lucky those of us not expecting an inheritance really are.

I got 20k when my dad died. Yay, right? Fuck yes, right? Wouldn’t kick that out of bed, right?

My 2 sisters got 50k.

My older brother got 100k.

Why? Because my mom decided that because my brother and sisters were in over their heads in debt and I wasn’t that I should get 10% of the inheritance.

I was planning on using that inheritance to buy a house. Apparently I should have just gotten in over my head in debt beforehand.

You just think your getting an inheritance. Trump will grift them and you out of a future .

Hate to say it, but like most are saying — don’t count on it.

Boomers are the selfish generation who had previous generations make sure they have a better life, then they turn around and kicked that ladder over for all generations after them.

Wouldn’t be surprised if your folks have that “I’m dying broke/with debt” mentality.

They wonโ€™t have anything left for you to inherit.

My MAGAT stepfather called me gloating in 2016 after he had already drained my mothers life savings and inheritance.

While she was dienjng from cancer he forced her in to renovating the house that she paid for, buying a fucking Lincoln Continental SUV that she couldnโ€™t drive (while he had his own Cadillac) and set up a will that meant that everything my mother had inherited from her father went to him when she died.

6 months before she died she called me begging to help her change the will so my kids could at least get what was left of my Grandfathers estate. She spilled her heart about how he had been financially bullying and abusing her.

And it was all too late.

He knew it and fucking gloated a year after my mothers death when Trump was elected.

Jokes on him though because everything that was left over after her cancer treatment was signed in to a will that will sap everything left for his old age care. He has no kids to cover his cost or take pity on him. And he already drained my
Mothers wealth to the point that he wonโ€™t last long on whatโ€™s left.

As soon as they end up in the hospital you can kiss it goodbye.

My dad is a conservative only voter, but canโ€™t retire due to little social Security amount, uses ACA and in declining health, and thinks the rich should pay the exact same amount of taxes as the lower classes. He thought Scott Walker was a great candidate back in 2016 even though he worked a union job most of his life.

Itโ€™s a damn shame they are so blind

_They donate it to a megachurch and leave you a message that there is a place for you in the church if you work hard to get to Gawd_

They sold out your rights and mortgaged your future. Not hypocritical to try and salvage something in the wake of that.

Iโ€™ve backed away, despite of course wanting โ€œmy shareโ€. Between 8 kids and many grandkids and great grandkids, the amount wouldnโ€™t be life altering for me.

Thereโ€™s been noise in the past about me not deserving anything bc mom and dad paid for my education. No mention of dad employing all of them at his business and mom raising their kids for them, but ok. Iโ€™m glad I completed my degrees and had a great career. They all stayed blue collar.

Theyโ€™re insufferably arrogant about being Republicans. Iโ€™m down to seeing them once a year and stopped trying to be family. Fuck em. Iโ€™m happiest without them.

Iโ€™m keeping in touch because I need free childcare

Too bad my parents are liberal and dont have much to leave. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚

you get an inheritance? Lucky

My dadโ€™s a broke dick loser with a gambling problem. Heโ€™s been retired for exactly half a year, and I expect to get a phone call in the next few months asking for more money to bail him out of whatever it is this time.

Heโ€™s also a big time MAGAt and hates liberals and other โ€œparasitesโ€.

nah get paid, bro

Excellent Use of Confession Bear.

While on this subject…look into your state’s filial responsibility laws…some states (30 last I checked) have laws that say adult children are responsible to cover their parents’ bills. PA has even been known to cross state lines to collect. Some states protect the children from that debt if the parents are on Medicaid, so get your parents signed up.

โ€œIโ€™m only staying in the wealthiest generation everโ€™s good graces so that theyโ€™ll deign to share some of their wealth with me instead of pissing it away.โ€ In this economy, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Edit: spelling

Youโ€™re not alone

Donโ€™t count on it for a reason most arenโ€™t mentioning. If they live to old age, assisted living will burn through all but the most affluent peopleโ€™s savings.

This is not a new or unique situation. Pretty sure the same attitude comes up in the first few chapters of the Bible

My mom and I donโ€™t talk much. Not for any particular reason other than I got tired of being the only one to initiate contact. At thanksgiving this year she reminded me that she hasnโ€™t put a will together. She will probably leave it to the church. My dad has a will and some specific things will be left to me just to make sure she doesnโ€™t give it to the church.

Boomer parents exist to extract wealth from. You gotta play their game

Honestly at this point the real inheritance might just be the stories grandma tells while gambling her way through the casino..

Jokes on you. there will be none left after this dictator drains it all

Good luck. Assisted living facilities are going to get your inheritance. And the nice ones are so nice that they just keep on living up to the point that their money is used up and they come for childโ€™s college fund.

Plus, you might need to live in their attic one day.

my boomer parents squandered all their money on being blackmailed and thinking theyโ€™re the next coming of jesus

Play them the same way Donald

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