Gay republican voter is surprised that the Republican they voted for wants to make gay marriage illegal.

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Guy votes for the party that wants to regulate every part of everyone’s life.

“Why are you trying to regulate my life?”

Wait a second… why is the Republican Party suddenly playing identity politics?!?! I thought they wanted to lower my taxes and change prices of groceries?!?! You’re telling me the entire time they campaigned on limiting rights to align with the religious right it wasn’t just so that they could lower my grocery bill?!?! /s

The first mistake a gay person, or woman, or POC can make in politics is voting for a conservative

Imagine thinking a guy will do what you want just because you voted for them.

The more people like this open their mouths (now that they have the confidence to do so), the more I realize people are a lot dumber than I wanted to believe.

Wait till he finds that with no same-sex marriage, they have to file separately to the IRS, paying more taxes.


If only the Republican party had made it clear over and over how much they hate LGTBQ+ rights we might have seen this coming.

How the hell can you be both gay and conservative, or trans and conservative, I’m never going to understand it.

Any gay or trans voting for these cunts deserves what they get.

Time for another token to get spent.

It absolutely *is* both controversial and extreme. Imagine how mad they would be if somebody banned hetero marriage.


How those egg prices looking 👀

*How is this person real?*

Just existing equals “shoving it down my throat” for conservatives.

After marriage rights it will be raising/adopting children.

duh – there is good gay “old white men fiddling boys secretly” and bad gay “two males showing affection in public”. Only the good kind is allowed. /s

Surely the party of homophobia won’t do a homophobia!

Get rid of income tax? Like completely? Lmao

I dunno if it is good idea to not censor the gay guy’s reply, I can only imagine the amount of head smacking replies he is about to receive.

Like you vote for the party that hates LGBTQ and same sex marriage, and you are surprised that he wants same sex marriage gone ?

To the second guy in the image, if you get rid of income taxes, be prepared to have everything around you collapse. Because income taxes help pay to keep your city and the services you enjoy running.

This guy actually believes a Rep can get rid of income tax? That alone is next level stupidity.

I work with a number of people that are exactly this stupid and worse. It got so exhausting and frustrating listening to them that I had to just say “no more political discussions around me.”

I don’t police what they say, or engage in any way, I just walk away and they have to handle things without me until they shut the fuck up. So far it’s worked pretty well, thankfully.

I will enjoy a bit of face-eating by the local leopards when tariffs close down our mill because China decides to stop buying our stuff.

Make room for them on the same slow train to oblivion as Women for Trump, Muslims against Harris and Hispanic make voters.

Hahahaha, I bet this person votes Republican because they “believe in liberty!” Hahahaha

“get rid of income tax and we’ll talk”

Bro is really trying to negotiate his civil rights

You can’t make this shit up

I bet he didn’t care about roe either.

He identifies as gay and voted for an anti-gay representative who went on to propose an end to gay marriage. That checks all this sub’s boxes.

Also Mikey Gilby sucks.

“I just wanted someone else to pay for the free and secure civilization I live in”.

70% of Americans support gay marriage, and even within the Republican Party it’s 46%. So yes, it’s absolutely controversial to end SSM. And yes it is extreme because it is overtly discriminatory and will cause legal chaos because of the taxes and marriage benefits that will be rearranged or obliterated.

The more I look at this sub, the more I realise that maybe this isn’t that helpful. I ca,e here for relief, but ,maybe that relief isn’t good.

This guy is going to get hurt. The fact he voted for it doesn’t make me feel better.

Lgbt people are going to suffer and even though I’m trans and this guy probably hates my guts I can’t take pleasure from this because at the end of the day, he got played. And I don’t take any pleasure in him slowly realising that to the fascists, he is just as much of a degenerate as I am.

“Get rid of income taxes and we can talk otherwise this is unfair to consenting adults.”

Interesting bargaining chip there. Too bad it won’t help them. They got your vote sucker. Now it’s time to dispose of you. Next time, don’t vote on vibes.

Hey Gay Republicans, the rocks come with the farm.

It truly is Dumbfuckistan.

I feel like this sub just needs to be made the front page of Reddit and post every single buyer’s remorse story we can all find. It’ll be full 24/7 with nonstop schadenfreude.

Gonna find out real quick how much Republicans love “fReEdUm”

“Get rid of income taxes” – These people are so idiotic. The only countries that don’t have income taxes are sparsely populated tax havens like The Bahamas and petrostates like Saudi Arabia. This would never be possible in a huge country like the US – it would collapse without an income tax system.

I’m actually surprised that the “ Gay Republican voter “ is surprised that he’s about to go through some stuff.

…but I’m different

…oh, they’ll listen to me!

But you were only supposed to take away others rights, not mine

Being a “good one” isn’t gonna save this guy from finding out.

How do they never see that the party that claims they want small government is the biggest Big Brother there is? They want to control every single choice you make and conform it to theirs.

“Get rid of income taxes and we can talk”

I get that this is probably related to marriage tax differences but it sounds like hes just willing to sell off his rights for money 😭 (I mean I guess he is but……. less directly?)

Wait until they start imprisoning gay people for “heresy.” He will be one of the first rounded up, to the delight of all of us.

He sounds so incensed lol

This highlights the importance of understanding a candidate’s full platform before voting policies often come as a package deal, not à la carte.

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