Politicians can transcend partisan team sports rivalry

By iolitm
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The thing about Bernie is he’s authentic and has kept the same messages for years about what he thinks is right. Marjorie Taylor Greene could accidentally be correct about the same thing for the first time in her life and he’d go “the sack of hammers is right, we need to do something about this”.

That’s part of what I like about him.

Elon and Vivek are not going to come within 2 miles of the DoD. They are going after social programs and veterans benefits. The fact that a man with billions in government contracts is determining what is “efficient” is fucking flabbergasting.

This is not Bernie agreeing with the republicans. Republicans will never cut excessive military spending. They will however gut social programs. His point is that musk and co are the broken clocks and somehow ended up being right about waste, but itโ€™ just not where they want to cut.

If you think the Pentagon is going to get cuts, just… hahahaha.

No, we’re gonna cut the FBI because they investigated dear leader. We’re going to gut social security and the Department of Education because they only benefit poor people.

musk was not elected.

I think Bernie knows Trump isnโ€™t going to do anything about military spending and is calling him out in a nice way.

I don’t think that your average progressive would disagree that the government can be bloated and inefficient. There are many institutions that seem to need tearing down and re-building.

But Elon Musk and Donald Trump, of all fucking people, are not the ones to entrust with the job.

I’d be hesitant to utter politician and Elon Musk in the same breath

Yea but he wont go after the pentagon. He will go after things like the consumer protection agency and normal government workers.

Y’all are fuckin delusional

Its not partisan team sports to be against the guy who tried to steal an election and fucked up the transfer of power.

You know what they say about a broken clock.

A broken clock is right twice a day. The Pentagon has always been sketchy as fuck and something needs to change.

OP blocks anybody whose comments conflict with OPโ€™s worldview. Embarrassing.

Musk isnt going to stop those contracts, HE’S one of those contractors!

Oh I mean there will be benefits to smashing everything w a hammer. It wonโ€™t be all bad.

L take. The Pentagon has never passed in audit since it started conducting them in 2018. The goal is to finally pass in 2028. This is good news, it shows that the Pentagon has money problems but is moving to correct them. Cutting the Pentagon’s budget to punish them for this is counterproductive. We should not punish Federal agencies for fixing their problems. If you want to cut the defense budget for other reasons then fine, that’s your opinion, but cutting the budget as a punishment for failing this years audit is dumb. Also, for reference the defense budget is ~13% of Federal spending (lower than social security and medicare, and around the same as medicaid), and 2.9% of GDP, which is significantly lower than many Reddit commentators make it out to be.


Bernie is clearly trolling musk. Musk has no intention of cutting DOD except maybe some jobs related to making trans soldiers lives better. Musk wants to slash the departments that regulate him and some of the social safety net. Bernie knows musk isnโ€™t acting in good faith.

I fully support some government changes

But someone like elon doesn’t need to be doing it

Aligning with oligarchs isn’t quite the flex you think it is.

This isn’t about about optimism at all, this is simply the politcal horseshoe theory in action

Simply put, I don’t disagree with the sentiment that Republicans are putting forth. I simply do not trust them to do it in a way that doesn’t benefit themselves entirely, and doesn’t fuck the rest of us.

If it was Bernie in charge I wouldn’t have to worry so much. But instead it’s… Elon Musk.

OP, you do realize Bernie is being sarcastic?

Elon is trying to cut from the DOE, and other government agencies and not the DOD.

Fck Oligarch Elonia. He needs to crawl back into his X and Tesla and star link and rocket hole and stay the fck out of United States government operations. This clown needs to stay away from second story windows.

The most infuriating thing about Musk is that he targeted social programs first for cutting waste, instead of looking at the absolutely bloat military budget. Bernie is right, focus on the biggest waste first. But republicans wonโ€™t do that because they have a hard on for military spending.

By all means, demand better accountability but now is not the time to cut our military budget. The Chinese formed an alliance with the Russians and we all know that Putin is not going to play nice. Neither is China. They are just more cunning . We should be stockpiling and updating our weapons for a war that is inevitable.

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