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*(Music starts playing)*

They also don’t understand 😅


We live in the future

So, the subtitles are just here for moral support?

(some shit we didn’t understand too)

When this happens it’s generally because you, the audience, are not *supposed* to understand what is being said.

Man i really hate when this happens

Mitsubishi, Toyota, Subaru?Tempura, sushi, sashimi!


Amazon done this recently with Paris has Fallen. If you turn on English subtitles, the French parts would say ‘speaking French’, but if you turned the subtitles off, the French parts would have English subtitles. Pain in the arse when you need to keep flipping the subtitles on/off to know what’s going on.

this is why movies and tv made for an english speaking audience should have foreign langauge subtitles built into the show so you dont need website dependent subtitles. its annoying when i try watching godfather and every italian spoken scene i need to remember off the top of my head because all i get is (*Speaks Italian*)

I hate it when subtitles go “(speaking in a foreign language)”… like these dudes are Russian, maybe they could be talking in Russian then. That’s not a foreign language in Russia.

japanese people: ha, i dont have such weakness!

Maybe it was Unintelligible.

Me watching The Mummy last night.
“Speaks ancient Egyptian”

I hate this so much. Specially when you get english translated for everything, but they never translate it back. I have actually found japanese and chinese translated to spanish in some shows (thank you) but not in english is like there is some stupid contract preventing them from translating that bit.


“Triumphant synth music playing”

TWD: (walker moaning and groaning)

i don’t think any of you understand the point of subtitles.

What is especially annoying is if they have embedded subtitles in the video, but then do that with the CC feature in YouTube for example.

English subtitles are more likely to tell me an explosion is happening than what non-english speaking characters are saying.

Please HBO, just let me have English subtitles without captions.

(Man singing in French)

It’s even better when they’re over hardcoded subtitles that actually translate what they’re saying, so you can’t see them. Great job.

You want to get really annoyed? I’m watching Alias for the first time ever on Disney+. I thought it was strange how they never give translations for when people speak another language. Four seasons in, I randomly decided to look up why. Come to find out, if you turn off subtitles, the show will translate. So I have subtitles on, but whenever they speak another language, I have to pause and turn them off.


This literally happens every time I watch JoJo on Amazon Prime Video. They only have the English dub, and the lyrics in the openings are subtitled as “Singing in Japanese.” If it’s Italian lyrics like when Diavolo speaks in Requiem for a Traitor, it will oddly write out the actual Italian in the subtitles, but they don’t translate it to English.

Even better if there are programmed subtitles

Fun thing is, when you switch subtitle languages, suddenly it is translated. Also, it could be 2 different kind of English subtitles.

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