Child of Privilege

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I hate this timeline. P.S. Tucker is a shitbag

Tucker, please stop tanning your testicles in public.
It’s just embarrassing the way she just keeps stomping on them

Deceitful child of privilege lmao

Has AOC been a naughty girl again? Is Daddy Tucker going to spank her?

Prior to Roe vs Wade being overturned, that would be none of the government’s business because the court opined that Mr. Tucker had a right to privacy. But that has been stripped away and I do not see how Mr. Tucker’s sexual fantasies are any longer none of the state’s business.

He really set himself up for that.

Itโ€™s really a treat to hear Tucker talk about how great it is living in a remote place like real people. Just turns my stomach.ย 

Fun fact: Iโ€™m sure heโ€™s raised his fist at the Hunter Biden pardon, but Tucker was sucking up to him once to get his son a referral to Georgetown.

Tucker is such a jackass. And quite honestly, he knows it.

AOC stays collecting receipts while they stay projecting. Iconic.

Hah, Tucker Carlson is an “heiress”.

Hold upโ€ฆ the man who is so easily amazed by a trip to a grocery store that he has to document it is the one calling OTHERS privileged?

Tucker Carlson is what happens when the doll they use in court to show where someone was touched comes to life.

The enemy is both hopelessly weak and overwhelmingly strong, hilariously incompetent and brilliantly scheming, all at the same time.

Tucker says many things. He really needs to learn how to stfu

Cooked & eaten

He probably meant pretty privilege. Aoc is pretty hot.

AOC claps back harder than anyone else in politics. Tucker walked right into that one.

Tucker is certainly a heiress

Tucker could have lived a privileged, private life, but instead he chose to live a very public life as a petty, whiny, little bitch. It’s also amazing that the right-wing is always talking about “masculinity,” when their examples are guys like Tucker and Jesse Watters or Sean Hannity. What the hell is manly about ANY of these soft, sheltered, pampered douche-canoes?

As someone who’s been around the block and is Old for Reddit, I still get some cognitive dissonance from Tucker’s “man of the people” persona because I remember very well when his brand was “preppy young elitist,” complete with silly bow tie (and also being named “Tucker Carlson”).

The true idiot of privilege is tucks. We Puerto Ricans are constantly shafted by the USA. Many times we can not even get proper respect by our fellow Americans. What a fucking moron!

I wasn’t wearing my glasses and I thought it said “turkey Carlson” ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

I like the cut of her jib.

Why are US politicians responding seriously to anything this clown says instead of just calling him a Russian asset?

I dont know why we put up with people like Tucker or Trump or MTG or any of these lying no good traitors.

She called him an โ€œheiressโ€ hee hee

Oh look, the hier of shitty frozen food is insulting AOC again. He should really try to disappear like his bowties.

There is very little privilege to being born a Hispanic person in a inner city neighborhood, I assure you.

This is the second or third time in the last couple of months that I have been 100% in agreement with AOC. What strange world are we in??

I love that she implicitly calls tucker an “heiress.”

Ughh this timeline is so bad, man. If this true then jokes on them. I been post my dump-pics everyday anywayy… squatty-potty n all. No shame in my toilet game, folks. Stay regular, yโ€™all.

Says the man that looks like a reject Ken doll pulled from quality assurance at a factory.

Can’t adults watch attack of the clones?

I wish they’d all stop acting like actual fucking middle schoolers.

Tucker says a lot of things. I pity anyone who listens.

The conservatives do not understand the concept of class. They are allergic to Marx. After all these are the same people that unironically believe that trump and musk are both somehow blue collar billionaires.ย 

To conservatives class means where you stand politically. A billionaire who is a transphobic is in the same class as a welder who is also a transphobic. George Soros is in the same class as a barista with liberal opinions.ย 

It is completely idiotic. But I repeat myself. I already said conservative.ย ย 

I mean. This is the same idiot who claims Russia is more free than the US so there..

Got em!

Why cant he finally get fired and shut his damn mouth.

She turned that “child of privilege” card into a full reverse uno and added a draw four. Tucker’s gonna need a minute๐Ÿ˜‚

Ms. AOC with a solid clap back. I like it.

I’m sure Tuckers dad is incredibly ashamed of him and we should all be aware of that.

Iโ€™m old enough to remember when Tucker Carlson only wore bow ties

Aoc is the best politician sheโ€™s so good at what she does

1.3m karma in 111 days? Nothing sus about that.

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