The most 2009 video game choice

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Same era, I’m still a huge fan of the Fable 3 “shut down the factory and turn it into a school, or employ child labor in the factory”.

Those were not the only two options lol.

God damn infamous was so cool back in the day.

The greatest game of my childhood

why not both?

I always forget this era of „morality“ in games…

Infamous 2 was such a damn good game that built on the first one. I liked the 3rd one well enough but man Infamous 2 was something special

“You will be reunited with your wife… **IN HELL!!!**”

I want an inFamous remaster on PC so much. Love this game

My favorite one in that game was “Inconvenience yourself for 5 minutes or make hundreds of people suffer for life.”

I fucking **loved** the freedom in these games. The karma-related powers notsomuch; but that was just motivation to play again (though I never finished Goodie-Goodie Cole run because the powers sucked.)

I spent about an hour staring at Prototype’s “Biohazard” bundle on sale only to chicken out at the last minute.

From what I’ve heard it’s basically InFamous, but your character is the Carnage symbiote.

Anyone wanna tell me how much I fucked up not scooping it up for $15? I know it’ll go on sale again and I’ve got the Bioshock collection to keep me entertained; I just need the nudge to pull the trigger next time.

Clearly those were the only two options.

It is a *tiny* bit more nuanced than it appears lol, Brandon has jammed a door you need to get through, and he’s not gonna let anyone in until he knows his wife is safe, but you found her corpse earlier (and saw a bio-electric memory of her being killed by the Reapers out of rage after Brandon ran away… so it’s kinda his fault she’s dead). So you either tell him she’s dead, and maybe he’ll let you in (narratively of course; gameplay-wise there’s no question that he’s going to let you in), or just decide not to deal with it at all and shoot him through the bars to knock him away and open up the jammed door.

Yeah it’s not super compelling but it’s not as bad as the objective text suggests.

I miss Infamous. Did Second Son not sell well so they stopped making it? Wasn’t it a flagship game for ps4?

‘Frostpunk has entered the chat’ – Send the old off to the winter forest to die so the rest of your people may live.

Can someone tell me who was sitting back then in HQ and said “You know whats tough moral choice? Taking a child and returning him to his loving family so they can live happily or killing a child infornt of his family”

God I love Infamous

Ah, infamous. Really and amazing set of games. I have, however, only played 2 and second son but they were both such a blast to play.

A proper superhero/supervillain game. Movement around the map is always so nice and fighting doesn’t feel like a slog.

I even got all achievements on second son once. I saw I was half why done the one day when searching for easy plats and so I did it. I wouldn’t mind playing the first, and first light and getting all achievements for those two and the second game.

And which is the good option?

Your wife is dead ( shoots)

The remaster we need!!

The question is not whether we should shoot him or tell him his wife is dead, but whether he’s useful to us alive or we should lie to him about his wife just to troll him at the end and ***then*** shoot him.

Anyway, I started blasting

infamous is still to this day one of my favorite games. Loved them so much.

Just replayed this and literally guffaw’d when I saw this ‘choice’. Like jesus, calm down with the edginess. And I really liked the game ahha.

I would tell him then shoot him just to get a remaster of Infamous 1 & 2.

Cole’s power’s with next gen particle effects, dear lord.

Sony could do a 1:1 port of this game to the ps5 with no improvements and I’d still buy it again. Love this game

The most choice 2009 video game

I would of much rathered another infamous than another Ghost Of Tsushima.

Veilguard could never

Always preferred Prototype over Infamous, the moral choices were much more believable.

Either everybody dies or everybody dies, but with spikes

Real karma moment

Fallout 3 and bioshock are my picks, games just slapped different

I remember when i used to watch my brothers play this game. One of the most priginal game of it’s time. So sad it eventualy became truly infamous in the future…

Can I do both?

Violence is always an option.

I have very fond memories of “charging up” bodies with electricity to recharge off them lol. Great game and a greater time 🥲

You better believe I detonated the second sphere to unlock that edgy ass black lightning

“I also choose this guy’s dead wife.”

Is that Zero Lenny behind that gate?

Reminds me of megaton in fallout 3. “Blow up this town for basically no reason because a dude in a white suit told you to, or don’t do that.” Yea Todd, real moral conundrum you have there

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