Mike Lindell carrying a paper calling for martial law in the name of national security.

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A lot of people were involved with the fake electors scheme, which would have set aside millions of Americans’ votes had it succeeded.

They should all be in prison.

That’s from 2021 isn’t it?

Wasn’t this from 2020-2021?

“Move Kash Patel to CIA acting”

Why is Kash Patel such a MAGA favorite?

“Move Kash Patel to CIA Acting”

Ok now I get it.

General Milley stated that after Jan 6th, Trump tried a “wag the dog” maneuver with China.

As a result the military saw China reacting or preparing an attack, which led General Milley to call his counterpart in the Chinese military and tell him to stand down as the US would not attack.

So those plans he was holding on Jan 15th were the plans for the “wag the dog” what would make China attack the US, and let Trump declare martial law to stay in power. After he lost the election.

For protecting the US Constitution over Trumps wishes, Trump said he should shoot Milley and still Trump and Bannon talk about holding a court martial, or imprisoning General Milley.

This is also why General Kelly and General Milley, referred to Trump as a fascist; it was not VP Harris, as Trump expects generals to follow his commands over our country and laws.

Which taken together, the killing of Americans to stay in power, sounds like fascism.

[Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErzTGcyXUAIdej7?format=jpg&name=orig) is a higher quality and less-cropped version of the image on the left. [Here](https://x.com/jabinbotsford/status/1350186100564905985) is the source. Per there:

> @jabinbotsford

> @MyPillowUSA
CEO Michael Lindell shows off his notes before going into the West Wing at the White House on Friday, Jan 15, 2021 in Washington, DC.

> 4:00 PM · Jan 15, 2021
from Washington, DC

According to [here](https://www.mediaite.com/news/mypillow-ceo-visits-trump-in-oval-office-carrying-notes-that-appear-to-propose-drastic-action-martial-law-if-necessary/):

> Reed RichardsonJan 15th, 2021, 5:43 pm

> MyPillow CEO and Donald Trump confidante Mike Lindell was seen leaving the Oval Office carrying notes that, upon closer inspection, appear to spell out for a series of incendiary, 11th-hour acts that the president should take to overturn the election.

> Among the explosive proposals appears to be the phrase “…martial law if necessary.”

> Lindell’s notes were captured by Washington Post photographer, Jabin Botsford from a distance and half the page was not visible as it was folded lengthwise in left hand, which was also holding his cell phone. But when zoomed in on, several halves of paragraphs of the briefing are legible.

> The title of his notes, in all capital letters, includes the words “TAKEN IMMEDIATELY TO SAVE THE … THE CONSTITUTION”

> After a call for what looks to be appointing a new member his national security team, Lindell talks about researching election security and the nearby military base at “Fort Mead [sic].”

> In the next paragraph, his visible notes begin with what could be “Insurrection” followed by “Act now as a result of the assault on the…” and then picks up in the next line with what appears to be “marital” and then “law if necessary upon the first hint of any.”

> A standalone sentence, that was hand redacted in black pen, comes next, followed by another paragraph with a list of names including Trump legal advocate of bonkers “Kraken” fame Sidney Powell and then, in the next line, another apparent personnel recommendation: “move Kash Patel to CIA Acting.” Patel is a Trump loyalist who was unexpectedly installed as chief of staff to the new acting Defense Secretary two months ago.

> Lindell continues on with an apparent claim of “Foreign Interference in the election” that would “Trigger” some response. He then seems to offer Trump advice, saying “Make clear this is China/Iran…” It’s unclear based on the photograph exactly what the full note is saying there, but the Trump administration’s own cybersecurity agency has completely shot down claims of electronic interference or hacking of the 2020 election, citing 59 experts calling the theories “unsubstantiated” or “incoherent.”

> [Here](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ErzTGcxXUAIjQfb?format=jpg&name=small) is a close-up view of Lindell’s partially obscured notes.

> Lindell has been one of the most outspoken and delusional supporters of Trump’s election fraud conspiracy theories, even going so far as to guarantee “100 percent” that Trump will be president for the “next four years.”

> And if he was actually counseling Trump to use the military to overturn the election in a last-minute coup, it wouldn’t be out of character for him. Back in late December, after all 50 states had certified Joe Biden’s Electoral College win, Lindell tweeted — and then quickly deleted — a post calling on Trump to lock down swing state election systems and “please impose martial law in these 7 states and get the machines/ballots.”

This pathetic meatbag is going to be re-empowered by the lunatics about to take control (again).

Americans won’t learn until they get truly burned.

During martial law the Department of Homeland Security is granted a crazy amount of emergency power, and one of the items is to basically militarize the TSA.

Kristi Noem has been picked to run the DHS, imagine that bat shit crazy bitch with an armed TSA! Could they even take over a playground?

Also the Postmaster General is granted additional powers. Scares the shit out of me.

This dude is a menace lol

It’s a near 100% chance they declare material law before the next election. It’s not worth risking another election for them if there is a chance a trump 2.0 won’t be put in place

I got mortgage and shit to pay. When they pull this bs..I swear…why can’t they just run the country like normal Presidents. Why all this exhausting fuckery thats not necessary? Why?

Try it. Under martial law, the military has the power to arrest and hold ANYONE without cause. I’m sure the military would be thrilled if frump did this.

Kash Patel was wanted 4 years ago, and now they made it happen. were fucked.

We should all know we’re fucked when this guy is relevant again because Trump won… Seriously ???

Listen, I get that they were trying to overthrow the government. I get they have no respect for our founding documents. I even get that they were trying to subvert the will of the people. All of these things are horrible.

But for some reason, the thing that pisses me off most about this picture is that his fucking shirt is untucked.

The insanity of them doing this BEFORE there are any sort of issues.

This is pure fascism.

if this happened in any other country it would be chaos and these people would go to jail

In any other time having an actual deranged crackhead this close to the president would have been the biggest scandal ever, but I practically forgot about him.

I’m disgusted that Mike Lindell is still hawking his shitty MyPillow products on TV.

What has this world become?

how in THE FUCK is a nut job like this guy given any type of reasonable platform to be heard on

Isn’t this a few years old?

My dude looks like Paul Bearer.

Imagine carrying a paper that could/should convict you of treason, out in the open like that, in one of the most photographed places on the planet.

Please tell me this clown won’t be on his cabinet. Although it might not be his worst pick so far. We’re doomed, aren’t we?

Mother fucking clown timeline.

Buckle up – January is coming. 🍿

The thing is, no one in America cares because their rapist will be in control and obviously only the “right people” will be rounded up. You know, his enemies and as they are his enemies, they are enemies of AMERICA and if you are patriot you too will help round up these people even if they are your family, friends or neighbours.

this guy’s nieces and nephews have gotta have it so rough. At least we know how he sleeps at night

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