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Why this man named himself after an underwear

I wish my Calvin Klein could last this long.

To be fair, he doesn’t look too real nowadays

how do all designers have such good names

??? That’s not Calvin Klein, the Clavin Klein I knew was this guitarist who played at Hill Valley High School in 1955

Obvious/chronic plastic surgery is so unappealing to me, always gives me uncanny valley vibes. Aging is normal, and vanity/insecurity to that extent is just a turnoff imho

How many men have been in his underwear?

I ain’t know he was real. Hmmmmm

I ain‘t know…

Wait til you hear the name of the adidas founder

“I ain’t know”? Fuck, we’re dumb.

Lowkey thought Calvin Klein was just a brand, not an actual person. Mind blown.

Yeah, he found fame in the 50’s when his mother formed questionable feelings for him

I are not know he was real

What does “I ain’t know” mean?

He’s the one all the underwear foretold!

I really thought Calvin Klein was just a brand, not a whole person out here aging like fine wine.

That’s not so Klein anymore

This whole time I thought Calvin Klein was just a brand, not a whole person with main character energy.

Lowkey thought Calvin Klein was just a brand, not an actual person. Mind blown.

That grammar hurts me. Even if it’s intentional.

I feel any name becomes instantly better when you put a million dollar industry behind it.

You orient his flesh the right way, you get a shape with no volume.

Last time I checked he was born on June 9th, 1961

What if his name was Kalvin Klein

He’s had a lot of work done so not everything is 82 years old. That said, congratulations!

Does this mean the Burger King with the scary plastic face is real too? I mean, all bets are off now, right?

You know what? He looks like a mid 50s to mid 60 year old guy that had too much surgery done.
So him actually in his 80s is actually pretty good, ngl

He looks like shit

Looking at that current picture, I’m still not sure he’s real

 until you hear about

he looks like if Kyle Maclachlan had a plastic surgery fetish/obsession or whatever.

You mean I have been wearing HIS underwear!

alright stop

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