Checked my receipt after noticing discount after discount to find this… I’m 48.

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I mean that’s a Win in my book, get a discount you don’t deserve

Maybe the cashier liked you and gave you what discount they could. Senior discounts don’t tend to be heavily monitored.

I’ve done this before, when I had a lovely customer after a bunch of nasty ones. Or if someone seemed legitimately struggling.

People on the calculator and watching the total like a hawk, then removing items. Especially if they remove the only luxury item. If I could give them a discount that would let them have a chocolate bar along with the formula and diapers, I’d do it.

Oh shut up and enjoy the discount you old fart.

Edit: damn thank you for all the rewards!

Nothing says old like finding a way to complain about a free, good thing.

Old Man Yells at Receipt

Just take the W, my friend
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are you really complaining about receiving a discount?

Leave it to an old person to complain about saving money

Shut up and enjoy it. I have to ask for mine and I’m 67.

Imagine complaining about getting a discount on groceries when everyone else is complaining about how expensive groceries are. Take the win my dude.

Oh no you saved money, how infuriating. 🤡

– Old woman?
– Man! I’m 37, I’m not old..

Ya old and ya fingernails dirty

I’ll take it every time please

absolutely go back and demand that they take more of your money

Shit I’m 37 but for discounted groceries I identify as 72

5% or so. Whats so bad about that

This is the least mildly infuriating sitch I’ve seen in a while

Cashiers just give these out to give you a discount. It’s not a slight. They don’t care about your actual age.

Sometimes we do that for people who are cool. Not sire if you fit that demo, but just accept the love.

OP got an unexpected discount and decided to snitch instead. That’s what is mildly infuriating.

I wouldn’t be mad at getting a discount, that’s mildly awesome in my book

That’s the opposite of a problem.

A discount is a discount. See if you can get it applied to other places.

As someone who used to be a cashier, chances are they just thought you were nice!

Oh no free money

Angrily go back and complain. That’s what an elderly person would do.

bro acting like he’s a spring chicken 🙂

12 more summers and ur gonna be 60


Oh no, they gave you a discount when they shouldn’t have. Go give them their $2 back and tell them how young you are.

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