Matty Healy threatens to physically assault Azealia Banks if he sees her in person

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He is two and half tweets away from using racial slurs, and we all know it!

I will never understand how Taylor Swift got away with dating this man.

Babe wake up the two worst people you know are having a cat fight

I’m shocked i tell you, SHOCKED, that this freak who loves porn about abusing black women would speak to a black woman like this. It’s always the ones you most suspect. 


Ah, there’s the cigarette stain we all know. We were on his side for all of 5 minutes 😬

Edit: Some of y’all are taking “we” too literally 😭

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Even his fans have had enough

Matt “Ghetto Gaggers” Healy wants to be violent to a Black woman?

I know we all hate Azealia and I get why, but he is so clearly just excited to have a Black woman he can threaten with violence with minimal pushback. I can’t stand her but his motivations are pretty clear given what we know about him. 

he is so unhinged because of his inflated ego. the 1975 aren’t even that good

Wow, that’s…racially charged

White man threatening a black woman, what’s new

Let’s be real, Azealia would kick his ass.


Can we not threaten physical abuse on a woman, please? I don’t care how shitty of a person she is, she doesn’t deserve to be hit.


She will not not fuck him up

He thinks he’s Russell Crowe?

Nah I don’t like Azealia Banks but bitch and a wig comment against a black woman from a crusty racist washed up whiny white man? Why do we still have to deal with this mucus what is his appeal to anyone

Matty Baby say this to a man, especially a man who’s known to crash out

He was also threatening to slap barristas. He can just threaten to assault women in public?


Keyboard warrior threatening violence on women but wouldn’t know what to in person when he meets a storm woman who could rock his shit

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Of course Matty Healy is threatening to slap a black woman

How is this the man Charli xcx loves “like a brother”


Why would he be at an awards show?

Two clowns dancing and we are supposed to pick the most virtuous…

Why does he salivate so much at the thought of harming women.

Woooooof 🥴🥴

I feel asleep after matty’s funny response to her and woke up to this

TF is this

Yiiiiikes. As crazy as Azealia’s web presence is, this is not a cute look for him. Not that he’s ever been cute. But threatening to beat a woman of color? Absolutely not, bruv.

Oh great! Matty could have just stopped at his original tweet but yea let’s threaten a woman with physical violence!

He would never talk to a man that way

Azealia gonna pull up on him and he’s gonna cower away.


Wow Matty is having a busy day. This reminds me of those trashy Facebook fights people used to get into back in the day that I’d both cringe at but also constantly refresh to see what the next rebuttal was.

He not gonna do nothin.

He literally has a history of enjoying the brutalization of black women, this is not surprising in the least

i might say something stchuupid featuring matty healy from the 1975

Another deactivation incoming. He’ll be back though, like always, he needs the attention.

He doesn’t even make any sense😂

Wait, does he watch Drag Race?

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