anon gives advice

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Today on “what I didn’t have the balls to do but reflected on before falling asleep”

fake: anon can afford a car

gay: anon has a male roommate

Yknow what.

real: wear your seat belts, kids.

Only break one law at a time. Don’t give an officer an excuse to pull you over.

fake and gay where?

Fake: anon doesn’t live at home in moms basement

Gay: anon smooshed a guys face into a window, just not in the car

would this be legal if he didnt say or imply it was on purpose

Wearing seat belts protects the other people in the car from your body being flung around potentially killing the people strapped in.

Thats why theres seatbelts on airplanes. It’s not to save you from the crash.

Ralph Nader is frowning on your roommate from heaven

reminder: one crime at a time.

If it was real and the guy really hit the windshield, it would have at least cracked it

OP this is reddit not tiktok. You don’t have to draw scribbles over bad words.

So why are these posts censored now, ironic coming from 4chan

This was annoying af when I first started driving my dipshit friends around, being the first one with a car. I’d tell them we’re not moving until seatbelts are on and if I see it’s off, we’re pulling over until it’s back on. We actually did get into an accident a few years later, with our seatbelts on, without injuries. Well, one friend in the back had a little red spot on his forehead when it smacked the headrest in front of him, lol, but that was all. Car was totaled, front was smashed in, taught me to never ever put summer tires on a car and drive in the rain.

Lesson learned: gravity doesn’t care about your trust in the driver.

> “Why? Aren’t you a good driver?”

Sure, *I* am, but everyone else on the road is a blind moron.

My mom did this to me as well when I was a kid. Great effective teaching moment, I always wear my seatbelt now no matter what! Ensuring that is probably worth the cost of repairs, since it did crack the windshield.

This reminds me of the famous sketch “Viaggio in Subaru Baracca” by the trio of comedians Aldo, Giovanni e Giacomo. Anon made his roomate hit the parabreeze

Most wholesome thing on 4chan

this is just Aldo Giovanni and Giacomo

Wearing seatbelts means more time of being a virgin, not wearing it means more time of being a dead body.

I’m neither so…

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