December 31,1999, The last sunset of 90’s

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Last sunset of the 1900s.

I’ll never forget the first day of 2000. I asked my mom when it would be 1999 again lol I guess I didn’t understand why we went from always beginning with a 19 in the year to 2000. I wish I could remember her answer.

You could say it’s the last sunset of the millennium

Iā€™ve always considered the real end of the 90s to be 9/11. Until then the upbeat spirit of the previous decade persisted. That day changed everything about how we go about our lives.


I miss that skyline with the twin towers

The sunset just before the Y2K programming error brought society to a halt as computer systems worldwide crashed.

Oh. Wait! That didnā€™t actually happen. Never mind.

The first thing that noticed was the twin towers.

For anyone who wasnā€™t alive for that particular day the hours that ensued were absolutely panic inducing because of Y2K. We prepared for a global shut down and absolutely nothing happened lol

The last sunset ever. We are living a slowed down extinction and were actually eaten by a black hole that year. True story, heard it from a guy who knows the earth is flat.

I was in Times Square that night.

Wow. And we were all bunkering down wondering if our huge computer towers would work the next dayā€¦

Maybe 9/11 was the Y2K we were all waiting for that day

Last sunset if you were living in New York. I’m guessing the final sunset would have been seen from the west of Alaska or somewhere in line with that.


That sunset wasnā€™t just an end; it was a promise for new beginnings in a whole new era

The last good year

Get closser cj l am about to pop this fools
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RIP Good times

I was there. In the Bowry. Seems like 20 lifetimes ago. And just yesterday.

The last time Philip J. Fry was seen

Wow those 2 tall towers sure look nice in that skyline. Sure hope nothing horrible and traumatizing happens to them.

The last glow of the 90s, fading into the future

Did u party appropriately? Like it was 1999

Last sunset on the east coast

If you steal my sunshine

And it was beautiful too, its a beautiful way to end a century/millennium

For everyone saying a better title wouldā€™ve been the last sunset of the 20th century, yā€™all are wrong- 21st century didnā€™t start until 2001

The last sunset of the 20th century

Look at those 2 tall Towers. I wonder what they look like right now?

With a bird and a picture looks like Captain Scully bring in aircraft to the Hudson

Is that a kiteboarding kite ?

That’s when Fry got frozen

i wasnt born yet but dayumnmn im blowned away….

Proof? Could be any sunset.

And thus began the genz era

I remember the first thing I did in 2000. I asked my friend “Wait, is it past midnight already? Happy New Year then. Cheers.”

kinda makes me sad, honestly. i wish that “progress” wasn’t such a runaway train.

And I was up all night because of Y2K…

All Iā€™m hearing is the song Champagne Supernova slowly getting quieter as the sun goes down until the silence of night takes over.
Was born in 93 and will forever be fascinated by what the 90s were like for a 30 year old adult.

tomorrows harvest

I was in the everglades witnessing the most beautiful sunrise imaginable with many others

Did anyone else hear “Goo Goo Dolls – Iris” suddenly playing in the background?

1999 is just a number, it could be anything.

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