There’s greed and then there’s this

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Capitalism is the best system we’ve got, but stakeholder Capitalism has run amok. The greed of CEOs and Wall Street is a bigger threat to the American way of life than any hostile country.

Starbucks makes a 10% profit margin. The company benefits by $1 for every $10 spent. They spent 8 billion on labor salaries already, so labor is already making about $2.5 of each $10 spent.

Your quote is saying you want the labor to make $3 of every $10 spent and the company to only profit $.50 per $10 spent?

Seems like the profit margins aren’t worth the capital risk. If you’re cutting it down to 5%, I’d rather invest in other companies. Throwing out giant numbers doesn’t change the business side of things. Obviously when you scale up to hundreds of thousands of employees the net profit is going to be in the billions.

Edit: was informed I used the wrong terminology. This isn’t a meme, it’s just a quote. My bad y’all.

So don’t fucking buy starbucks. You’re gonna bitch about them being able to afford to give their employees bonuses because your coffee costs more? That’s peak-level idiocy.

You can go to food banks instead of grocery shop for yourself and give all that money you spend on groceries to homeless people. Perhaps its the right thing to do, but chances are you won’t do it. I find it hypocritical to want others to spend their money a certain way(donate to the less fortunate) when we are unwilling to do it ourselves. At the end of the day we’re sitting here on our laptops and computers communicating over our home internet. We could very well live without these things and instead spread our money and wealth to others but we don’t.

um, Starbucks stock hasn’t exactly performed very well

I used to love their cold brew but I’ve completely stopped going to Starbucks because of their stance against unionizing.

Boycott Starbucks!!

They are a publicly traded company and are required to make as much money for the stock holders by law.

Even if starbucks wanted to, they would probably be stopped.

Also I m sure those numbers do not show all truths in the math, but even assuming it did.

The only way a company like starbucks can grow as fast as it did is with the current system. So Millions of jobs would not exist at all if not for this current system. A system designed to serve the investors NOT the mployees.

Want a system that serves employees? Sure do it. But those places will almost NEVER grow and will only generate a dozen jobs maybe a few hundred in some rare cases.

I am not trying to defend this. I am not trying to excuse this. But remember Starbucks is a publicly traded company which means it does not sell coffee, it does not take care of employees. It has one job and that is to make money for investors.

To change this we need to change US laws. to require companies to treat employees better. Sadly for the next 4 years things will only get worse for employees, especially min wage.



I’m always skeptical of numbers like this. Too often someone is confusing profit with revenue.

Sounds like a good time to own stock in starbucks

Why would they do this. Workers are in their shops, selling coffee and such at their current wages. Workers go home with money, franchise owners are making money and stockholders are seeing their investments grow.

The whole world and every industry is suffering from this. Including all our favorite past times. 

I face this kind of stupidity at our small business also. People think money grows on trees and because the company had 200 million in revenue that somehow means 99% of it should go towards raises and bonuses.

Meanwhile I’m in a dogfight day in day out all year to avoid layoffs. I drive a freaking grand caravan you animals.

Stock holders and the board of directors are always looking for at least 10% growth, so screw the employees. They will get new ones…

Why do people assume companies aren’t supposed to make a profit?

Quit bitching and find another job, no one owes you anything!!!

It’s just coffee, not skilled labor

By that token I assume that when the company posts net losses, the employees would of course chip in to bring net loss to zero? Right?

Boy, would suck to have someone go after the Starbucks CEO like they did for United Health given such egregious capitalist prices.

Starbucks is a public corporation with a duty to its shareholders to maximize its stock value. Supply and demand dictates wages. Starbucks doesn’t have a shortage of workers because being a barista is an easy job that doesn’t require any education or previous experience. Why should Starbucks raise wages?

net income?

I love not buying Starbucks. I havent spent money with that company in over two years, and it hasn’t affected my life one iota, except I’m drinking better coffee.

imho: insatiable greed should be recognised as a mental/emotional disorder.

Did aime say corporate greed? I think someone say corporate greed

Starbucks: Best we can do is a temp CEO who needs to fly into work everyday.

Starbucks coffee sucks, is overpriced, its employees are overpaid, surly, and outright weird.

Latinos make their own cafecito. 🇵🇷

The new chief executive of Starbucks is in line for a sign-on pay package worth up to $*113 million, how can they afford to pay people a bonus??? better to give one CEO 100+ million* 

The only thing you can do immediately, is dont buy starbucks anymore.

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