Behind my smile is an ongoing silent battle but I’m I’m happy to report that I’m winning!

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Oh my gosh everyone thank you SO MUCH!! I literally have no words to describe how thankful I am for all of your kind messages. I’m tearing up reading everything. I’m at work rn but I truly appreciate everyone. Much love to you all ❤️

I’m in the same boat as you and winning also! Keep fighting.

There she is! Always good to see your smiling face pop up on here. Hope you’re doing well Kohana!

What does your shirt says? It’s bothering me so much xD Like I wanna know lol. Also nice smile!! You look like you’re that kind of person who lit up any room you enters 😋

Those earrings rule

Kick its ass thoroughly. Make everyone proud!

With a smile like that, you will always be a winner through life!

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and twice as beautiful as you’d ever imagined. Keep that radiant smile.

With that smile you can’t lose!

Winning AND looking good while you do it!!

If your alive with depression your not battling it. It’s battling you because your alive and winning remember that

Behind your beautiful smile you’re kicking ass! Go on! We got you!

Your smile says it all. Keep being a beacon of strength and positivity.

And we’re all rooting for you! You can do this!

Whatever you are going through, go straight through it.

Peace and good vibes coming your way

What a beautiful smile 😊

Keep kicking ass.

You got this, Queen!

Good on you. Keep fighting with a smile on your face.

You forgot to say how much you’re glowing!!


Hold tight there! Show that f*ucker what are you made of!

Just keep fighting! You can beat cancer!!

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* We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts).

* Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. You will not receive anything except a headache and a stolen credit card.

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Lovely smile, keep going strong for whatever you’re going through.

Happy days, happy news.

Here’s to many more winnings.

You are stronger than you know.

F YEAH! keep fighting and winning for everyone who already go went trough it! u rock!

You are the true meaning of a warrior!

You’re literally the definition of strength and beauty, keep shining queen!

Yep keep strong! Keep fighting!

Keep fighting legend!

You’re beautiful and your smile shows that it comes from the inside out. I hope you keep winning and are on this earth for a long healthy life! 🙏🏽

Keep winning! Even if the smile fades some days or it gets hard to keep up, you can do this.

hell yeah keep fighting!!! i’m so proud of you!!!

Good for you! Just remember that you got this!

Keep it up!!! Love your shirt by the way! I say that quote often and no one knows what I’m talking about.

Keep kicking butt! Every day is not easy, but it is worth it

More power to you ❤️🌻.

Thanks to your smile, I’m now in a good mood all day long 🥰


Thanks for sharing. You’ve brightened up some of my worst days with that infectious smile. I really appreciate you, random reddit girl.

Go you 💪

kid of a cancer survivor here… speaking for me and my mom both when I tell you that you got this. kick it’s ass, girl

Remember, the cancer can’t win. Best it can do is a tie.

It’s incredible how we can carry so much inside while still managing to smile on the outside. But hearing you say you’re winning that battle is inspiring. Keep pushing forward, you’re stronger than you know.

Your smile is awesome!

You have the best smile! Keep wearing it proudly. Keep kicking ass and taking names! Your beauty shines through!

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