Concepts of thoughts and prayers

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Shooter was wearing a mask and apparently used a silencer. Yeah, this was 100% targeted.

“Brian Thompson was walking toward the New York Hilton Hotel in Midtown Manhattan, dressed in a suit and tie, to attend UnitedHealthcare’s annual investor conference being held in the ballroom.”

Thoughts, no prayers.

Those preexisting conditions will get you every time.

“Police say it’s targeted but don’t know a motive.”

Meaning they can’t call a dead man an asshole in print. 

It’s very tragic but we have to move on from this.

Your claim for thoughts and prayers has been denied

Oh no… Anyways I think we may be ready to foster a 3rd dog.

If this starts happening more imagine the gun laws we’d have

The share price is up, even the markets are glad he is dead 😂

Really hoping the police do the good work they do on 47% of the homicides

Maybe if they were worth $500b instead of only $450b this wouldn’t have happened.

I guess that CEO will never get to enjoy that third yacht or fifth mansion or whatever he was buying next.

How long before Republicans start calling it a terrorist attack?

Unfortunately, the CEO’s family will be charged the full bill for the medical services of the first responders, as the shooter was, in fact, out-of-network.

Oh no…

So, how’s the weather where you’re at? It’s a beautiful day in Colorado.

With the wealth inequality growing bigger by the day, our government gearing up to slash benefits like SS and Medicare, over 60% living paycheck to paycheck and unable to buy a home or start a family OR save for retirement (many with suicide being their long term plan). The ultra wealthy are producing generations of people with no hope, passionate grudges and nothing left to lose.

I feel about as bad as when they killed Osama Bin Laden.

Oh dear. Anyway, here are some funny cat videos:

It would be absolutely terrible if this was the first of many murders happening to corrupt elites that have been ruining every day people’s lives.

This is a pre-existing condition and will not be covered by his insurance

This is the actual way to make corporations efficient. Hopefully the head of Tesla and x will be “let go” as well.

Cop: Did you see anything?

New Yorker: Who got shot?

Cop: The CEO of United Healthcare.

New Yorker: In that case… I’m blind, didn’t see *shit*.

Hahaha i like this news and hope i see more like it.

The roasting in this comment section is heavenly. Thank you all for the smiles

Is this the spark that starts the revolution?

We will just have to “get over it”

OK, I’m over it.

I’ll say it again fuck billionaires and their kind all the way to hell. Deserved. How many people have died so this asshole could get rich. Fuck him

Praying for the hero.

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