Job Hunting In 1930’s (Rings true more than ever)

By Menz619
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Unemployment rate now: 4.1%. In 2018: 3.9%. In 2017: 4.1%. In 2016: 5%. In 2015: 5%. In 2014: 5.7%.

Now, in 1935: 20.1%.

OP, I’d say your title is a bit hyperbolic. Or just pandering for Karma.

This absolutely does not ring true more than ever. OP is smoking the good shit.

I have three kids and no money. Why can’t I have no kids and three money?

No it doesnt..

Bruh this is nothing like the depression. GTFO

What do you mean by “Rings true more than ever”?

No it doesn’t. Stop the cap

Russian troll farm collaborator reminds you America Bad™ using fear uncertainty and doubt. Check back tomorrow for a Vietnam War civilian death post or maybe a tragic reminder of the Hiroshima atomic bombing or a picture of a black American being abused during the struggle for civil rights in the 60s. Anything to distract from Russian interference in America’s politics and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine!

None of these sentences apply to the vast majority of people in tb West

Now it would read:

I Don’t Know Any Trades

I Can Barely Speak One Language

I Am A Keyboard Warrior

I Have No Children AND

Never Really Worked A Day In My Life

But I Really Want A New iPhone and More Streaming Services

I Will Settle For Anything For Free

If you think this ring true today you need to get off social media

This is not today’s dilemma. Today there are enough jobs, but it takes 2 or 3 of them to pay the bills.

I think it rang a lot more true in previous recessions than now. 2008 for example.

A powerful reminder that skills and experience don’t always guarantee work. Let’s all keep an eye out for those in need.

I came here expecting the “side hustle bros” to say this guy should change his sign.

Here’s another thing, I’ve worked in health care at the patient level for 24 years. There have never, in that time, been enough nurses or CNA’s!

I can, if I want to work 6 or 7 twelve hour shifts a week, and have some months worked 27 days out of 30.

There are no lack of jobs in health care.

I couldn’t hire him for writing one instead of 1 like that outta nowhere.

Damn only 3 months?

Dead CEO will wake up the 1%…. Hopefully

I hate to be that guy but no it doesn’t ring true more than ever unemployment is at the lowest it has ever been

And I have 3 eyes, why can’t I find a job???

rings true more than ever? you’re uninformed. dude these people would do ANYTHING to make a dollar in 1935.

you can go get a job at 1 or a few thousand fast food joints in your area or 3 jobs if you really wanted.

Don’t worry, the 30s are coming 😉

Bull fucking shit. If know even one trade today, you’re set. Even if the only thing that applies is that you speak even 2 languages, if you do it well enough you can find employment easy with.

Unemployment is Battle 4% today. If you can’t find a job, the problem is you.

He also has really good penmanship.

I speak 5 languages. Know 5 trades. Still hard. Times are tough

Maybe he’s an asshole?

One Job!?!? The lazy boy.

I sucked 3 dicks, 

Got fired from 3 jobs, 

Have 3 convictions for indecent exposure, 

But I only want ONE million dollars

I’m sure finding a job in the 1930s was much easier than it is now. It’s honestly heartbreaking to think about how many people pour their time and energy into applying for jobs that might not even exist, only to wait endlessly for a response that never comes. Sadly, this is the harsh reality we’re facing right now. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)

These days, fake job postings seem to be everywhere, especially on LinkedIn. A while back, I came across a post from a developer who shared their struggles. They spent five months applying for jobs on LinkedIn but didn’t hear back from a single one. Frustrated, they decided to take a completely different approach. Instead of sticking to job boards, they used Google Maps to search for companies and sent their resumes directly to hundreds of them. That bold move paid off, and they finally landed a job. If you’re curious about their story, you can check it out here:

This really sheds light on a bigger issue in today’s job market. With so many fake postings and fewer genuine opportunities, the usual ways of job hunting just don’t seem to cut it anymore.

OP is just jaded because their $150,000 bachelors degree didn’t get them the $300,00 a year basket weaving job with Boeing.

This is a completely photoshopped image. The text has been added digitally. Zoom in to the bottom left edge of the sign for obvious proof. Unnaturally square edges, and the whole bottom part of the sign is a 90 degree straight line. That doesn’t happen in an actual photograph, only in digital editing. This is a perfect example of how we’re all so easily fooled these days. We all look at this image and it reinforces whatever belief we have, whatever it may be. But this image was deliberately created by someone with a political agenda. Please, think about that.

“Thank you for applying at Soulless World Corp. After careful consideration of your credentials and experience we have decided to move forward with another candidate with lesser experience but who is currently employed. If you should become gainingfully employed in the future, feel free to reach out to us again to apply for another exciting employment opportunity with Soulless World Corp .”

keeping a segment of people barely scraping by isnt a bug in capitalism, its a feature

“Rings true more than ever” 🥴 wtf are you talking about??

But is he willing to take an unpaid internship for experience?

Terrible resume. It doesn’t even say what the 3 things are that he can do. Nobody cares about your family size and your war efforts, people want to know what you’re selling and for how much.

Op just needs to stay in education longer…

2025 will be the harbinger of doom I reckon.

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