Intense wind in West Michigan made snow rollers

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Is it just me or do they look like they’d make great cereal

I’ve never seen or heard of this before. Would really blow my mind to walk outside and see this


When I was a kid I used to think they were rolled by fairies after watching Tinkerbell lmao


I’ve never heard of these.

Alberta clipper, which is an awesome name for a weather event

West Michigan’s weather always surprises me, it’s like one minute it’s chill and the next u’re getting hit with crazy wind and snow.

Didn’t know they were shaped like lifesavers.

Cool but eerie photo. I’ve never heard or seen anything like this. Thanks for sharing!

Why aren’t they called Snownuts?

Nature’s donuts!

Here in southern WI we’ve been having 45+ mph winds all day and night since yesterday, it’s BITTERLY cold, the kind of cold that hurts to breathe in. Be safe yall, it’s getting intense out there

Mother Nature out here flexing her pottery skills.

So cool… but also kinda creepy if you didn’t know what they were. I can dig it. 

Didn’t those neighbor children do something similar with the snow in your yard last year?

I didn’t know they existed


I’m pretty sure I felt those winds on the west side of the lake as well.


Anyone else hungry for some combos?

Have seen this once. It’s almost otherworldly.

I didn’t even know this was a thing but I’m a Floridian.

I… cannot express with words how badly I want to see this irl

I’m sorry, you seem to have mispronounced ALIENS!


snow doughnuts?!! this is more like wildlyinteresting

That’s awesome, never seen that

I would call this more than mildlyinteresting, maybe somewhatinteresting.

This looks like an awesome The Backrooms level.

I always called them snonuts.

This would have had some poor witch hung in Salem

Sorry I’m Australian but…..snow….rollers??

They look like frozen pieces of calamari

I’m from Northwest Ohio and never once in my 40 years seen anything like this. Hell, I’ve been to Russia in the winter and never seen this.



ngl if i looked out my window and saw this i would assume i was being haunted 😂 ive never seen this in new york

Rollin’, rollin’, rollin’,
keep those show wheels going
though the wind be blowin’
Show high!

It’s the next logical step for tumble weeds! They’re adapting!


The Snowly Rollers


I wonder if this is how the wheel was discovered/invented?

I wonder why they’re hollow like that.

Are they initially formed by pealing up the top layer of snow as a sheet?

Why are they hollow?

This happened once in ohio when we were kids, hadn’t seen it before or since, super cool

Uzumaki if it took place in a cold environment

Clear sign of avi danger. I’d get outa there!

I find this fascinating, I wonder if the phenomenon inspired rolled ice cream

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