This meme has never been more on point

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The “everyone is losing their mind” is just what the billionaire oligarchs that own the media outlets want you to think everyone thinks.

wym? The entire internet is celebrating

“It’s all, ‘part of the plan'”

I promise if they find this guy they (the cops and politicians) will go after him harder than any run of the mill rapist or murderer. They will want to make an example of him for daring to take out one of our billionaires (aka, our new aristocracy).

Imagine dying and the internet making jokes about it and being okay with it. What kind of person do you have to be for your death to turn into a meme? Damn.

If by loses their mind you mean chuckle and say “good”, then yes you’re right

Seems like nobody is losing their minds at all.

All I see is jokes, implications it was deserved, and hope it’s the start of a bigger trend.

I think we’re all just about done with watching them fuck around. Time to start finding out.

I’ve never seen so many people actually agree on something in so fucking long. Everyone hates that dude

And he had all the healthcare in the world. 🤷🏻 Welp…

There have been 380 mass shootings in the US this year (probably more by now, the article I found was from September).

I would say that this one little man has already gotten more media attention than all of them.

Tbf, it seems most people are indifferent if not celebrating the news

Not saying I agree, just noticing very few tears are being shed

The truth is that sometimes revolution is *justified*.

There is nothing moral or right or ethical about denying millions of people healthcare coverage, effectively killing them, to increase shareholder profit.

No sympathy.

Bro had a pre-existing condition of being a piece of shit.

If they catch him his Go Fund Me is going to be huge.

Is “everyone” losing their minds or are the billionaires scared?  All I’m seeing from this guy getting offed is most regular people are laughing and *happy*. This should make the CEOs/billionaires scared going forward. I get they can pay for private security, but it’s the weird ones you can’t predict. This one should spark others off. The, “billionaire wars” are about to begin. 

It’s only sad to them when someone dies and no one makes a profit from it.

It’s the new crazed gunman trend, leaning away from school children…

Eat the rich

It’s unfortunate he wasn’t on the premium assassination free CEO plan.

The only people losing their minds are other CEOs and board directors.

From what I’ve seen, nobody has lost their mind. It’s just been more understanding smirks and quiet nods of approval.

Personally, I’m thrilled someone who got rich by over charging customers and then denying them the care they need has paid a fair price for it.

# Every billionaire is a parasite.

Let’s say how it is: everyone who’s pro right-wing is cool with greed killing and permanently injuring millions of people because “that’s just the cost of business” or something but is up in arms about one CEO dying because their deluded brains think that could be them someday. The millions dead are just a statistic, the CEO is idolized.

My feed is pure celebration. Maybe that’s the algorithm. For the sake of any potential investigation in the future I will state, shooting people bad, I’m against it always. To the people here and now, be very careful about what you put online. Billionaires now run the US, all three branches bought and paid for. And they just saw one of their own gunned down.

Here’s a script for all witnesses

“I didn’t see anything I don’t know what you’re talking about”

No one lost their mind- we are all ecstatic and inspired. Let’s hope he’s just the first of many!

Our shooter is a hero.

The other irony is that he’s paid so, so, much because he’s (presumably) the most qualified person UHC could find to run the company. But now he’s gone and there are a dozen others just as qualified waiting to take his place, all with 7-8 figure salaries/comp packages.

He wasn’t so special, certainly not so special the he deserves a salary an order of magnitude more than the average UHC chump.

A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.

Every CEO showing up to office parties

“I’m just here so I don’t get shot”

I heard they are searching for the guy. I hope it’s to give him an award 🥇

I don’t think anyone who has UHC as insurance is losing their mind. They are probably having a drink to celebrate.

Let’s see if the police can narrow down the list of suspects to 45-50mill….

To be fair, the guy who shot him batted an eye.

Media paid by other rich people that profit over the deaths of the working class, they panic.

The rest of us, we ok.

I mean – it’s pest control. No one cries over killing bed bugs or fleas.

Not sure everyone is losing their minds. I have literally seen one post saying “murder is bad, we shouldn’t do it” that got downvoted a million times, and other than that, universal approval for the shooter.

One CEO so far….

“There’s a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you’re all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”

Blue Cross Blue Shield one of the biggest healthcare insurer just decided they will only cover part of your anesthesia during surgical operations based on their estimate how much the surgery should take.

So I’d say there are a couple more CEOs to take out.

Nobody gave a fuck except the networks

ugh. don’t make me say the quiet part out loud

So do we call him “The Punisher” now?

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