Is that gay

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bro thought he finally found a loophole

I mean gay or straight aside, what would the genie’s rule be? Does this guy think he’d have a rule in case of this specific 20 minute scenario *(because it’s just so common)*

I don’t remember this part in Aladdin

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I’ll throat that mf straight to the balls.

The life of a chaser is like the stages of grief except once it gets to Bargaining (pictured here) it loops back to Denial, endlessly

i would shlob that thang for suuuure to the best of my ability (not a lot of ability but id like to think i know my way around a wiener)

she would be like “dam no wonder u like this so much”

People know they can do things and don’t tell anybody, don’t they?

Of course I’ll suck my girlfriends dick bro

This guy asking if sucking Futa cock because she asked is gay

looks like you found nick fuentes’ alt, op

This thread is even more Reddity than usual, yeesh

Sucking a dick doesn’t make you gay only if it’s attached to a man does it make you gay.

Don’t tell the girls about the Genie rule, they’ll just exploit it like my ex-gf exploited the Schrödinger loophole

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Bro she wouldn’t need to even finish asking the questio

(her wish) sure buddy

….from a (cis) woman’s POV: do her a favor and say “no” and offer a handjob instead. Nobody gives good head their first time out.

Hell yea I would do it. I’m not gay though, just deeply closeted.

“Fellas is it gay to have sex with a woman” moment

guy really had to ask if having sex with a girl is gay

Im giving her the greatest sloppy toppy with a twist god has ever witnessed

Just say “No thank you”

I’d definitely try my best to create a standard for her to live up to

We going blowjobbing

Honestly, I’d do it. So then she can genuinely understand how fucking good it feels and why us men love them so much. So then whenever I’d ask her she’d genuinely understand. Sometimes, the hardest choices require the strongest wills.

Bruh, if I pitch a baseball to my son I’m not a professional baseballer, why would sucking one dick make you gay?

A genital swap is such a non-issue that I wouldn’t give it a second thought. 99% of her looks exactly the same as before.

Just tell the genie that you wish it wasn’t gay and then you’re good to go 👍

“her wish”, sure🤨

Id for sure do it but I’m bisexual so like, win win

Just date a trans girl already jeez

Jokes on you, my wife doesn’t suck my cock so I wouldn’t suck hers!!!!!

“(Her wish)”

Yeah right buddy. 🙄

I think this guy wants to suck a dick

I thought I had a stroke reading that

Just rub the lamp and ask the genie to suck her dick.

She has to use one of her wishes to make it not gay

If a genie gives me a dick… the last person I want a blowjob from is my boyfriend who has never given one…..

If you’re a dude and you suck a dick – you are gay. It’s that simple, there are no loopholes

girl cock 🤤

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