Favourite Christmas movie right here

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Also has elves in it!

The chronicles of narnia has santa show up and give four teenagers weapons, tools, and medicine to wage war. And a lion that comes back from the dead after sacrificing himself to redeem the sins of man. Not too subtle, looking back on it

Iโ€™ve always seen it as a Christmas movie because all 3 released in later december and I remember seeing them in theaters right around Christmas time, so to me they always remind me of the holidays

Well it is a RED DAY !!!


And they gave Sauron a gift, his One Ring albeit in melted lava!

Also Frodo receives gifts from Bilbo



I just find it a bit too silly that middle earth follows gregorian calendar

I always wondered where the 5 was in 1,3,5,7,9

1 ring for Sauron/hobbits
3 rings for elves
[5 GOLDEN RINGS for Christmas!]
7 rings for dwarves
9 rings for men

Did Tolkien write that song and get everyone to shout the rings part as an Easter egg? Did he do it to mess with CS Lewis?

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There’s only one Christmas movie and it’s Die Hard


Found out that Brazil is a Christmas movie a few days ago.

Also came out near christmas.

Has Elves, a character named Merry, an old man with a white/gray beard, snow… so many reasons why it’s a Christmas trilogy

They always released in December too

Tis true

And Sauron is Santa Claus?



LOTR as a Christmas movie? Honestly, Iโ€™m here for it. Fellowship and festive vibes!

This is the kind of logic I live for.

Other things that make it a Christmas film:

– features a magical man with a big beard that likes to give gifts to small people

– Sauron is the definition of โ€œthe naughty listโ€

– gimli

– the scene where Frodo gets stabbed by the witch king is pretty much as close to a traditional festive Christmas morning as you can get

I just imagined in the beginning of die hard when that limo driver picks him up and plays something McClane doubts is Christmas music he would actually play the LOTR soundtrack.

And so is Die Hard!!

silly that middle earth follows gregorian

Finally, an argument I can get behind. LOTR movie marathon for Christmas it is!

Good enough for me lol

There’s even a Lord of Gifts in this story

Always has been

Frodo wakes up in Rivendell on October 24th. So it’s also a Halloween movie. A distinction shared with, obviously, Nightmare Before Christmas. But also, Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Also, who knew Gollum was secretly Santa’s little helper?

I watch it once or twice during the year and on Christmas every year with my family so ye

I actually watch the trilogy in December, since the movies came to theaters on my birthday way back when

And it has a gift-giver character!

Technically it’s a Yule movie

And it has elves and not just one, but TWO elderly men with big grayish beards with special magical abilities

No, the fact of Christmas was not part of the plot. If you.can move it to another ti e of the year and it doesn’t matter it isn’t a Christmas movie. In diehard McClain was in town because it was Christmas, the building was shut.down because of it except for the party, that makes Diehard a Christmas movie.

There are Decembers in Middle-Earth? ๐Ÿค”

Heck yea

Always had been..

And to be fair it’s also pretty much the only time of year we get a few days off so we can actually watch it.

No. The LOTR in no way resembles Die Hard.

I know, you’re thinking, “but Bruce Willis had a sword.”

No, that was Pulp Fiction.

Therefore, the LOTR is not a Xmas movie.

And then they go through Mariah and all goes bad


And everyone is following the bright glowing eye- *ahem* I mean star in the sky!

How to instigate a movie marathon at home during the holidays

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