A doctor’s letter to United Heathcare for denying nausea meds for a child on chemo

By Dubyaww
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And then they wonder why their ceo got acute lead poisoning….

Universal healthcare is the only solution

I am not endorsing homicide but these CEO’s and executives do not give a damn about the consumers nor those people whom have to suffer in pain. The killing the CEO really gives me very little sympathy for him, his family and friends. If CEO’s and executives would stop being such jerks then maybe their lives would be worth a bit more than dog turds.

This is why I couldn’t be a doctor in the USA. I’d be writing letters like this so often, they’d retaliate against me in some way (not in the US, so not sure how, but I can imagine it would be financial). Fuck that. Australia’s Medicare is faaaarrrr from perfect, but it pisses all over what passes for a “Health Care System” the Seppo’s think they have.

I work for a Dutch health insurance company and would be ashamed to work in an environment like that. I want people to get everything they’re entitled to, I want to reimburse their costs if they are covered, that’s what we’re there for. There are laws about what is covered in the basic insurance and the insurance is mandatory for everyone who works in the Netherlands. The thought of finding reasons not to reimburse something or to kick someone off the insurance is abhorrent. It’s illegal here and unethical. I work for our customers as much as I do for our company.

My wife ran a private practice for over a decade. She dropped United as a carrier because of their high denial rates and their unusually complex claims process – even for insurance companies.

Their claims processes are designed to be difficult for all users – providers as well as patients – and they change the process frequently and without notice. This disrupts the automated billing systems most providers rely on. They count on claims being such a pain in the ass that providers will often not bother trying to collect, then be forced to either eat the cost of treatment or push it to the patient.

I bet that what most healthcare providers are thinking about this event is something along the lines of “not surprised.”

Considering this and their CEO being murdered recently, I’m guessing someone doesn’t like United Healthcare very much.

Imagine fighting cancer and an insurance company at the same time. This is beyond cruel.

And when words aren’t enough, you can always let off some steam by going on an early morning bike ride in the city.

Any chance to crowdfund more private HR consultants to visit other healthcare companies too?

The CEOs of these companies make their fortunes in only a marginally more ethical way than sex traffickers. No-one should mourn them.

Here’s to hoping that this ceo is just the first!

Thank fuck I don’t live in America lol

I work in a family practice clinic and one of the providers was on a phone call with MVP, I believe about an albuterol inhaler that MVP was refusing to cover, despite the fact that the “preferred medication” caused the patient to have a dangerous reaction. He finished the phone call by telling the representative, “OK, so instead of paying the $x.xx for the inhaler, I’ll just send him to the ER, and then you can pay the $5000 for that visit.”

I am retiring in 15 days, I cannot wait to flee the hellscape that medicine in this country has become.

Eat. The. RICH

Do they actually want us to cry for this inhuman scum? That’s not going to happen.

When everyone is a suspect, no one is a suspect.

When your crimes are so great that it causes a crime to be committed against you, maybe you had it coming.

I for one am just fine with the guillotines. Bout damn time.

This is your daily reminder that the US spends more federal tax money per capita on healthcare than most countries with universal healthcare. The insurance companies are an unnecessary and cost-adding step that exist only to enrich their share holders.

Why do they use united healthcare as a name?

Can you imagine working for UHC? And denying claims as part of your job? Just trading in the hole that once contained a soul for those sweet sweet paychecks

I wonder how many letters and messages like that, or much worse than that, United Health received just in the one month before dude’s assassination? Hundreds, maybe thousands. And my guess is the triggering event for the assassin happened months or years ago. Only way they catch this guy is sheer luck, he’s bragging about it at a Chili’s happy hour, or he has other targets and will trip himself up eventually.

Ah yes, insurance logic chemo nausea? Just vibes. They are truly ahead of their time in innovative patient care.

We need to execute more of these executives.

Didn’t go hard enough. 

Ridiculous! Thank God, I live in a country with universal healthcare

it should be illegal to make a profit off of healthcare. healthcare companies should not have shareholders.

This doctor is a HERO…I wish there was a follow up to the story because I want to know if the child got the medication. We need more doctors like this, HELL we need doctors like this running the insurance companies!!

Thoughts and prayers are out of network I’m afraid

Wouldn’t it be funny if Trump brought in UHC by ‘accident’?

Can you feel it guys? How terrified they are of all of us?

Does anyone else watch the video of that CEO getting popped multiple times and laugh? lol me either.

The US is broken

I don’t feel sorry for any of these psychopaths that get run down.

Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary.

I’ve seen comments like these here and on Fox News. It’s pretty damning when someone is murdered in cold blood in the streets and a near uniform reaction across basically all people is, “ya, that checks out.” You’d think this would be a wake up call but all it’ll likely change is the budget for security.

$10 says the dead fuckers office is wallpapered with letters like this, and he laughed about it daily.

Oh I knew all of these were about to start flooding the internet and I am fucking here for it. Because, make no mistake, this is *exactly* why that guy got popped.

How about we give kids with cancer whatever the hell they want?

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