I missed the part where that’s my problem

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Apparently, there was one person that thought he deserved it

*”Snitches get stitches, my guy. I didn’t see nothin’.”* 😏

I have a suggestion for the NYPD: There should be a list of people who died due to denied care by UHC. Maybe investigate those cases. The suspect should be among the loved ones of the dead. And in the process maybe hold UHC accountable for all the denied care cases.

Nah I got 99 problems and I don’t want to reach it to 100

I highly doubt the average citizen turns him in, especially for a measly $10K. The guy was worth millions

can someone explain what the CEO did?

tried search about it news said the assassin had the words “deny,” “defend” and “deflect” on shell casings and that the guy wasn’t a professional for carrying a cellphone and shooting out of range

It was obviously spiderman. He’s the only superhero in NYC.

i see nothing, but my suggestion is to hire John Wick.


That’s the answer you get whenever you need health care, and you don’t have insurance.

Poor misso and kids, moving forward without a husband and father. Pretty sad for them.

Right after this scene his uncle gets shot because he lets the robber get away.

I thought the spouse is the first person that goes in the hot seat.


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