It was never about helping people

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And everyone denied life-saving treatment by this algorithm had families too.

“He was a human being and had a family!”

**SHOVE IT UP YOUR ROTTING ASS, JULIE.** He is directly responsible for the deaths of literally thousands of people who also had families.

yeah sorry, ive seen first hand the utter inhuman devastation caused by health insurance companies and their refusal to pay for what they should pay for, all in the name of greed.

These people are CEO LiVeS MaTteR.

Unless a person is faking an illness or something. If they are paying/paid their premiums. They should never be denied.

This killing is the unity this country desperately needs right now.

It’s time to end the moral high ground when our enemies have none. It’s time to eradicate these greedy asshats.

I prefer to call it a shooting, not a murder, like the media does with the school kids.

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Love to see it

“He was a human being with a family”

Yeah, so was everyone who died after getting denied health insurance coverage my good bitch, sit down.

From the same people who demanded we mourn Rush Limbaugh, Henry Kissinger and confederate soldiers.

It’s amazing how everyone on all sides is like “I mean he had it coming/im not losing sleep over it”

Who knew the key to uniting America was bodying some rich assholes

That man getting straight barbecued right now


Any billionaire looking for sympathy can find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis. You can’t get that kind of money without fucking over thousands of people. 

Helped himself into an early retirement too.

My sympathies goes out to his wife and kids… my sympathy for the CEO is out of network

We are at the point now where people are so disconnected with the wealthy that their lives mean nothing to the working class. And that’s 10000% the fault of the wealthy. There is reason why the submarine implosion made people laugh as the only person anyone expressed sympathy towards was the teenage boy. When a population is seen as nothing but a number to you eventually you’ll be seen as nothing but an oppressive force to them

“Oh, he was a monster? He was a family man who cared about his people, you contrarian.”

“…We’re talking about Edward Covey, Karen. Notorious slave breaker.”

“Oh. Wait, I thought we were talking about Hitler.”

“I don’t want to be associated with you anymore.”


90% error rate, how the FUCK does something like that even lauch in the first place

Its amazing reading comments on news sites ,social media and the like. How few people cares that this guy got wasted.

Trump also is a human being with family so what’s your point?


The people will be heard one way or another.

You know, instead of running to defend a guy who harmed thousands of people because he just happened to eat a bullet, you could just not say a thing instead. Try that next time, Julie.

“He was a human with family”

Oh, like all the kids constantly gunned down during math class? Like all the LGBTs bullied to suicide or worse? All non-whites mistreated/murdered constantly? That kind of human?

“All politicians are bad, but…”

Fuck em, they deserved what they got

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