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One of the plans under united healthcare requires around $22k out of pocket (premiums + deductible) before the plans begins paying out for the year. When the reward doesn’t even cover what the plans cost… they can fuck right off.

Yeah, I’m sure people are lining up to turn him in to help the corporate overlords.

Shows how much society values CEOs

And to be fair, I’m unsure why the NYPD ponied up that amount for a non-resident business commuter. Seems to me it should be coming from home.

As someone else said, the suspects are anyone who had a loved one die while being denied care from United.

The suspect list is literally millions of people.

How messed up is it that I can legit say you couldn’t pay me 10K to rat out whoever did this?

Nah, he probably deserved it, sorry.


Just remember, if you were in manhattan and saw something that day, no you weren’t and no you didn’t.

3% before the deductible

Damn, that reward ALMOST covers my health insurance deductible for the year!

*”Here’s your pittance, peon. 

Now go fetch the man that committed this horrid crime!”*

It’s got to be rare that humanity is siding with the shooter.

The guy really is not that dangerous. He clearly targeted this CEO for a reason. Maybe United Healthcare can deny another procedure and use the savings to increase the reward.

No one gonna turn this dude in. He’s a borderline hero right now.

Whoever this person was, they were getting even for themselves or a loved one. Whatever happened, you’d need to give out 7 or 8 digits for a reward it to be worth it. We’ve all been there.

This shooter is all of us, and we didn’t see anything.


I’m pretty sure if was Jimmy Hoffa who off’d him. Maybe try looking for him.

Just enough to pay for a few bandaids from the ER when they deny your claim

It’s almost like they want you to know, even though he is a 10million dollar a year CEO, it doesn’t mean shit to the machine. They will chew you up, and spit you right back out as fertilizer for the new CEO seed they just planted.

Universal Healthcare now.

No amount of money would make me rat this hero out. None!!! That pos deserved worse than he got!!!!!

Need a go fund me to match to not turn him in


I didn’t see shit officer.

If they were serious, it’d be 100 million dollars.

But, like every other moment, they’re stingy as fuck.

It’s rather poetic.

Which was less than 3%…

Maybe without having to pay that fat CEO salary United Healthcare can start accepting some more insurance claims instead of fucking over people who are already suffering.

Plus you’ll have to file a claim to collect it through UHC!

Under the control of people like this killer 49% of UHC claims are denied

Well, there is the $500 deductible

There’s probably an 8k deductible as well. And 3k of the reward won’t be allowed.

That’s what my company pays for finding a new hire. 

I feel like finding a murderer could be easier soon, so that tracks. 

Something tells me not even those people close to him want the killer found.

Wow I can get like a few months of my diabetic supplies with that money!

Well that’s one years deductible on their shit policy.

By my math, Brian Thompson’s biweekly paycheck would be around 57k gross (1,500,000/26). That’s what his stated salary is in the United Healthcare financials

The reward poster actually says “up to” $10,000.

Anyone who has ever dealt with UHC (or any insurance company) knows exactly how an attempt to claim that reward is gonna go.

Maybe someone needs to start a GoFundMe for the reward.

Who wants to bet an income tax will be placed on it?

UnitedHealth: We’ll let you live for information on this matter.

Free healthcare for life (because they absolutely could) would motivate someone, but that’s not gonna happen. If I were the CFO, I’d be very very worried.

$10,000 only gets you thoughts and prayers

The comment sections across the internet about this are giving French Revolution lol

I’m sure that his family is consulting with a full legal team about how to use their money to obtain a fully different measure of justice anyone else can afford. Will it make us feel better when they offer a million dollar reward?

I’ve thought about that. They aren’t looking too hard

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