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Me running an errand in the middle of the day: “Does nobody work anymore?”

Me roaming in the park at 3 AM : “ooouh, night walk, nice”

Me seeing another person in the park at 3 AM : “Well well well, if it isn’t the serial killer freak”

Me driving my truck at 3am: AAAAHHHH TURN OFF YOUR BRIGHTS YOU DICK! *Drives off cliff because world is now purple dots*

Absolutely true

This was me last night.

I remember seeing a news story about somebody getting robbed at 2am at a McDonald’s and a comment said “anyone out after midnight is up to no good”

Fuck my swing shift, I guess…

Am I about to get mugged?

Working the baking night shift, I just assumed everyone else on the roads at 2am were heathens, lol

Me driving at 3AM: Watch every corner because you never know when drunken idiot will shoot out of a driveway or intersection against the light.

It makes driving tense as fuck. Also kinda fun

uhm work?

Me walking my neighborhood at midnight to avoid others: so lovely outside 

Me seeing someone else on my walk: i’m about to get mugged 😅

That pretty much highlights “rules for thee and none for me” in the court of public opinion

What the hell is anyone doing awake at that hour?

I mean the odds of the other guy also being a serial killer is pretty low tbh

I take my dogs out every morning at 6am when I wake up.

I almost never see another person for the 10 minutes I’m out.

When I DO, I make sure to cross the street, because I don’t trust anyone walking around at that time of the morning

Spiderman meme

POV: Me and brother on our way to go hunting

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