A sketch of the UHC Assassin being carried with reverence by Americans

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This gonna be real awkward if they catch him and he turns out to be a klan wizard or some shit.

Hey you’re supposed to crowdsource for healthcare, not crowdsurf…

“He’s…just a kid. No older than my son.”

As a side note, that scene in *Spider-Man 2* where he saves the subway train full of passengers, and they carry him back into the subway car while he’s unconscious and doing the Jesus Christ pose gets me every time, even if it is incredibly cheesy.

Part of me hopes the guy becomes a modern day DB Cooper.

American martyr, huh?
This is one of the most interesting things to happen in the last few years, to me anyways


Dont you know that Class War is only okay when it’s the rich killing the poor??? 😭😭😭😭


The very fact that pretty much every American is rooting for this guy (a murderer) tells you how much people have been screwed over by their health insurance

When’s the last time an American got this much bipartisan support?

“Carefully, he’s a hero”…

This shits weird

The way this guy is being revered is going to lead to more killing — and, spoiler, it’s not always going to be a target you agree with.


Ok – Reddit is completely fucked in the head. This is so wild

Yall need to demand your elected officials work toward socialized healthcare. The murderer is not a hero. Demand your reps do something dammit, for everyone.

Lmao okay this is corny af


This is the scene from Spider-Man 2 after he stops the train.


Even if it’s a shitty ceo murder is still murder, I don’t think a killer should be given such a positive reception

I’m rooting for him too, but this is cringe AF lol

Do Redditors really think this will improve healthcare? (It’s going to get worse under Trump, and no, that reversal by Anthem Blueshield had nothing to do with this).

It’s very childish to expect people anywhere in any capacity to do the right thing. People are going to look out for themselves and their immediate loved ones, even if it means fucking over someone else. People working in healthcare are not going to do the “right thing” on their own. We need enforceable, strong legislation. We need laws. No matter what the memes say, this killing isn’t going to change anything. When people compare our healthcare to Europe’s, remember that Europe got there because of their laws. We can EASILY elect someone that will actually improve healthcare and pass laws to help out people (Kamala’s plan wasn’t too bad tbh). But we won’t. Democrats got severely punished in 2010 and the Tea Party was born, a good part because of the ACA, a law passed so that we could force people to do the right thing. People were livid about that because voters are fucking dumb. Now it’s a popular program.

I understand though, it’s easier to go on r/pics and post something like this.

I hope this theme catches on

Jesus Christ, the Reddit death cult is getting f****** psychotic at this point

This has gotten more up votes than there are billionaires in the world btw. Just sayin.

And then you americans go vote for stupid politicians who say govt welfare policies and universal subsidized healthcare is communism, sometimes it feels like americans deserve everything they get

United we stand against scummy health care insurance.

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