Just a friendly reminder

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I wrote this in another thread but back in my day people could be shamed into doing the right thing, but today it seems people have no shame and the only language they understand is fear…

its unfortunate…

perhaps, and I’m just talking hypothetically here, some people need a reminder. Some recent events may help jog a couple memories

This was the lesson from “A Bug’s Life” – There’s more ants then grasshoppers.

I live in Woonsocket RI. We (the industrial textiles union, at the time) once hung a congressman from a lamp post until dead, over some BS like this.


Unionizing: the polite version of ‘grab your pitchforks’.

Just wait til everyone starts buying those jackets the shooter was wearing. Its the new Guy Fawkes mask

History often repeats itself

Yet at the same time, in the US, we elect a billionaire that seats a billionaire cabinet and cheer all the way.


hell, I remember reading about this in a laura ingalls wilder book!

I often think about the French Revolution and how Western society could use a shakeup that involves the billionaire class losing their heads a little

Don’t like unions? How about angry mobs?

They need a reminder

I think people forgot that the forming of unions originally included violence on both sides.

“Make America great again”??

I do wonder (maybe even worry?) if we are getting to a tipping point where other executives will be targeted for violence and what type of class warfare will ensue.

They always forget. Nothing was learned.

Today it finally began! After all these years of talking-and nothing but talking-we have finally taken our first action. We are at war with the System, and it is no longer a war of words.

—The Turner Diaries

The trees of democracy and the pastures of freedom need a periodic rain of tirans’ blood to remain healthy.

I mean they got a reminder with three gunshots the other day

And it’s only become less effective over time. Think it’s time to revert back to the original method.

Guess that revolution the republicans wanted won’t be blood free

Wow, threatening people with death. Fantastic.


They didn’t forget, they thought we were finally uneducated enough to keep putting up with it. It’s their whole plan, they’d prefer willing slaves than having to enforce it.

No they used to take out the family too, no witnesses.

Return of the Molly McGuires.


It’s inevitable. When peaceful negotiations fail people understand violence. People all across the world are reaching a breaking point and things like this will happen more frequently.

I like the spirit, but labor needs to remember we paid a bloody price to be able to band together to collectively redress grievances. The police gladly killed workers to protect capital, and I am more than confident that they will do so again.

There are probably more than a few folks out there who are waiting to see if this guys gets caught.

Just saying

Or just shooting the CEO.

banding together to present a formal address of grievances is something the land owning and slave owning class developed towards the monarchy and it was immediately followed by revolution.

I’m ready to serve some justice XD would love to! take back whats rightfully ours.

It really sucks that the mafia ruined unions. We know who they are, let’s clean house.

[Laughs in Homestead Strike]

Well, yes, but don’t forget the rich have done **[THIS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homestead_strike)** to us before.

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