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Looks like early 00’s Jake Gyllenhaal.

Itโ€™s not even the same guy, I feel bad for anyone wearing a brown coat that day does Reddit not remember the Boston marathon bomber incident?

Is this even the guy? Iโ€™m not sure.

So unrealistic. It’s missing her plunging a knife into his back and taking his wallet.

Oh no, theyโ€™re hot!

Corrupt systems do not change until rich folk die like poor folk

Why are Americans starting at a 5’0″ 100# Asian woman with face tattoos and a hunchback? That’s all I see when I look at that picture.

Itโ€™s the smile

Project mayhem

He is a hero.

Remember the outrage from people when some Dems floated canceling private insurance for single payer in โ€˜20?

eVEN iF yOu LiKe YoUR iNSurAnCe?

The shooter was a fucking hero and will forever be a legend. Dispensing justice when the justice system has completely failed.

This guy is directly competing against Jon Cena for the title of “mr invisible”

Dude looks like Jake Gyllenhaal.

Top quality Intel! That’s a woman in a different hoodie.
Not that law enforcement or alphabet agencies are known for excessive brain cells.

I think we should stop posting this picture.ย 

It was Jake Gyllenhaal!!

Who is that completely random person who has no affiliation with any current events?

Yo donโ€™t post shit like this. Its not even the guy. Youโ€™re ruining someoneโ€™s life for fake internet points.

Lisan al Gaib!!!

So why male models???

If the internet actually cared to find the guy, they’d be pointed at this man, who we already know is not the right guy, and his life would be fucked.

Americans should be looking at universal Medicare instead. Just get over with insurance bs

Can we get a 2 for 1 deal and frame another healthcare CEO for the murder?

Eh, they voted for Trump.

They for sure want for profit health insurance.

Or more likely no insurance/simple fraud is in their future.

Look for insurance companies with the word “mutual” in their name — they are nonprofit cooperatives owned by the *policyholders* not investors/stockholders.

They’re like credit unions but for insurance

The more you meme this image the more people it reaches the higher the chance a snitch sees it

Y’all are going to get some innocent guy in jail over these memes

Timothรฉe Chalemet needs to establish an alibi

How are we sure this is a guy.. looks like Anne Hathaway to me

Stop sharing these pictures of the wrong person..

So many people pissed off at health insurance companies.

I wonder how many of them didn’t vote last month?

He has a nice smile, got gonna lie

would be “sad” if this became a thing huh….

My first ever day in New York was Dec 4rth. Also for the record I was in the airport still at 8am lmao. But on my first ever day in NY some guy merced a HC CEO. 10/10 had a great time there. can’t wait to go back.

Could you stop posting pictures of this guy? It’s not the same person and will ruin this dude’s life.

Bring me him right now. I have dick to suck.

> [UnitedHealth Group said in a statement that its “hearts are broken” and that they have been “touched by the huge outpouring of kindness and support.”]comment image)

Iโ€™m loving the memes. But I canโ€™t share this one because that is clearly not the guy.

You mean a super small subsection of Americans probably smaller than the Trns population.

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