My new car has video game achievements

By tapo
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Try the “no brakes, no problem!” Achievement! I had to grind pretty hard for it, but it was worth it.

**Achievement Unlocked**

Check engine light has been on for 100 days!

One day:

“Hey Bozo, you haven’t checked my oil level for over a month!”

I took this over the summer but I was reminded recently because I “unlocked” another one.

I’m both horrified and impressed.

Why is that talking tombstone wearing a fedora?

I hate it

Sweet. I need that. Does it count hit pedestrians too ?


Achievement unlocked: you took your eyes off the road to read this message and only killed two kids on bikes instead of all three that were riding.

I’ve never thought of how “El Camino de Santiago” would translate to English, and I don’t like it lol

Which car is it? I want to be sure I never rent or buy one because I hate it. More useless garbage in cars, that nobody needs.

I just want reliable vehicles that don’t cost a shit ton of money to fix. Can car companies work on that?? Insurance is thru the roof because of all these “features”

Ok but why is the icon plank from Ed Edd and Eddy?

Your car can fuck right off.

That’s some Black Mirror level of shit

**Puts “Jiffy Lube” into GPS**

*”I’m sorry Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that. Dealership service only.”*

I like the fedora.

Car tips hat. “M’driver”

oh hell no i aint having the car talk back to me

This would send me into uncontrollable fits of rage.

Love my 20 year old stupid af car.

I love it

Reason number 189,734 to stick with my ’96 Corolla.

Thanks, I’ve never seen anyone translate Camino de Santiago to English before and I hate it

Wow! Man made horrors beyond my comprehension!

newer cars have all sorts of unhelpful distractions

Just hiked The Camino last year! Best 500 miles of my life!

Your car tracking you is not interesting, thats creepy.

What car is that? So I can avoid it

So Volkswagen spends time doing this instead of fixing bugs in their existing fleet? Got it.

The “moneyshift” achievement was quite expensive to complete but needed to get it done for the completion trophy 🙁

Please tell me that doesn’t pop up while you are driving. The last thing we need is another thing to distract people from the road. It’s bad enough cars have all the assists they do and if this is something that pops up while you’re driving that’s actual insanity to me.

Is that plank in a fedora from Ed Edd and eddy?

As someone studying Game Design, seeing Gamification in a car makes me mad. Driving is not something that benefits from being treated like a game, too many people already do that without being encouraged by the car itself and sometimes, that ends extremely bad. The hunt for achievements in this thing is just designed to make you drive more and as a result get you to spend more on fuel, wheels, reparations and the likes.

If you want an example of a task that benefits from Gamification, I think brushing teeth would be a good example. It’s a boring task that a lot of children especially like to skip (and that is also very easy to skip), so adding something like a rewards system in the mix to get you to brush your teeth actually benefits the user. Gamifying driving doesn’t benefit the user.

I hate everything about that!

Imagine what it’s tracking and not telling you about.

Did you hear about the South Korean whose insurance went up because they determined through the Bluetooth pairing that it was his daughter driving the car during an accident?

Achievement unlocked!

“How did we get here?”

Great way to crash

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