Choose wisely for $1m ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿฝ๐ŸŽ…๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿป๐Ÿป๐Ÿป

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1, 4, 9.

“Perfect health” is not explained here, so I’m going to interpret it literally, sort of like a genie wish. Nothing will ever go wrong with my body, thus I am immortal.

I’d like the ability to just fix people’s problems, preferably at any distance.

Who doesn’t love money?

– chooses 4
– heals depression

– best psychologist ever

Ok but here is a loophole, if I chose 8, can I change the ammount of pills I could have chosen? Or heck, even the effects they cause?


1 6 9


I hate these, they just remind me that things can never be this easy.





If I could cure everyone elseโ€™s depression and mental health, among all other illnesses of course, thatโ€™s my priority pick


With 5 I can get everything else

Downsides:I probably be depressed

7 is already possible, they just can’t hear you.

9 3 2.
9 because well money
. 3 for super strength obv
And 2 so I can have the femboy build while being stupid strong



149. Easy.


2, 4, 5. Having 5 would probably help with 4, so I could reform the American healthcare โ€œsystemโ€, and being super smart means I can do science and get rich from it. also 2 because trans ๐Ÿ™‚

156. if i had infinite money, how tf is the government not gonna be on my ass when the economy crashes into oblivion? and how would the computers handle INFINITY?? how tf would that even physically manifest? infinite coins? dollars? naw, itโ€™d kill me regardless. infinite money is a trap of greed


1.. would be nice.. 2, I am fine with my body type, 3 seams less useful.. 4 would be awesome, 5 is kinda scary. 6. already there. 7. already talk to them. 8. would be cool. 9. see #4. so. 1, 4 & 8.

3, 5, 8


156 fs

1: self explanatory
5: Iโ€™ll be able to do practically anything I want (get rich, have any job I could ever want, live anywhere etc)
6: cure for depression and will give my life meaning

1 4 6

2 5 9 my pin code๐Ÿ˜ƒ
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Perfect health implies peak physical condition i think so 2 is useless at lesst for me because i would just choose peak condition.

With that i have 1, 3, and 5. I can make a pseudo 9 since i will be super smart and i donโ€™t need to choose 6 because with 1,3 and 5 i would no longer be a redditer and would find love.

5 6 9

Super smart and finds the best soulmate? Plus who doesnโ€™t love money

1, 2, 9.

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