My wife thinks I should sell!

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Just buy her something nice. As a gift from the BTC profits. Something small like a 2 day vacation from the profits and leave the rest. 

If you sell, you will be posting about it in 5 years how your wife made you make the worst financial decision in your life.

Sell your wife for bitcoin

She’s wrong. Don’t sell.

What does your wife’s boyfriend think?

If you want to be a millionnar in 5 years or 10 years hold

If not sell it

I’m up over 900% and haven’t thought about selling.

Besides, wait long enough and you’ll have wife changing gains

That’s not quite wife-changing money. Hodl.

Sell for what?

If she didn’t advise you of to buy it in the first place, I wouldn’t take financial advice from her if she’s telling you to sell it now.

Ask her what she’ll think in 10 years when it’s worth a million dollars

If your wife didn’t think when you should buy, who cares when she thinks to sell?

Listen to your wife’s future self who is thanking you for not selling.

Profit is profit. I learned it the hard way.

A huge price free-fall will happen sooner or later. Everyone telling you not to sell is waiting for their selling price and – trust me here – they won’t be asking if they should sell or not when such price is reached.

Why would you sell the asset that has given you the best returns?

Ask her for three good reasons why she thinks the market will turn down.

Did you get in under $10 and have more than like 1,000? Then yeah, sell a few and have fun. If you’re like most of us though you should just keep hodling unless there is a real and immediate need for money.

It’s like a sore pecker, you just can’t beat it……

Tell her if it’s not valuable what’s the point in selling it?

Dont sell lol

I think you should put it in cold storage, not your keys not your coins

Tell your wife you will have no dignity left if you sell. Diamond hands make diamond husbands.

You’re showing her the wrong chart. Show her the dollar chart.

I can’t imagine not having a BTC after having one and seeing what it’s done over the past decade. When you’re up so much, it’s a free ticket to happiness every day. Don’t lose that.

Your wife’s an idiot.

Tell your wife she’s retarded and to spend 5 minutes learning why she can’t hold it.

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