Dolph Lundgren reveals heโ€™s cancer-free following 9-year battle after doctors gave him only 2 years.

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Dolph to cancer:


If he lives He lives

I didn’t hear no bell!

Thundergunned the hell out of cancer.

Back to the lab for more penetration

Definitely did NOT have UHC as his insurance provider

I always find the “doctors gave him *X* amount of time to live” Then proceeds to live over the time, sort of combative lol. The title makes the doctors seem like total assholes

He man, me child

Good for him. They told my dad five years ago he had like 18 months to live. And his cancer had progressed to far to treat. Heโ€™s thankfully still doing fine. Iโ€™m wondering if he wasnโ€™t misdiagnosed.

Amazing what you can do with just a positive attitude and millions of dollars.

Thunder Gun beat cancers ass!

“How long have I got doc?”

“It’s impossible to say”

“I need to know, just give me a number”

“Medicine can be really unpredictable, it could be anywhere from a few weeks to years or even decades”

“I need to know, just put a number on it!”

“Ok well, statistically the average for you condition might be around 3 months but it could be a lot less or considerably more, we really don’t know..”

[Docs told man he would be dead in 3 months and he survived for years!! Doctors know nothing!”]

Showdown in Big Tokyo!

By the power of Greyskull!!!

I love how these type of stories make it sound like the doctors wanted him to die in two years but he fought them off with sheer force of will… the doctors are the ones who saved him lmao

So I guess he said no toโ€ฆ If he diesโ€ฆ he dies lol. Good!

“Whatever he hits, he destroys.”

He told cancer I MUST BREAK YOU

I’m sure he didn’t have United Healthcare

Dolph..always a fighter.

Good on you mate.

He mas a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering and had a scholarship to study a PhD at MIT before his acting took off.

I hate to be that guy but you are never truly โ€œcancer freeโ€ but it sounds like the levels are currently undetectable.

Incredible. Good for him!

Saw him in that commercial where he lifts a lobster tank over his head (wtf??) And i though “damn he still looks good!”

Hell yeah (person with lots of money) had great medical care โœŠ๐Ÿฝ

Should have taken the doctors gift, took 7 years longer to do it in his own


You fucking legend

Thatโ€™s great. Good for him!

The true Master of the Universe!

Very cool that he is able to hold his breath

Tough son of a bitch

9 fucking years? Jesus christ.

Dolph: If he dies; he dies.

Also Dolph: Not it!

And he’s incredibly smaht as well

I bet he took some realllllllly new drugs to make this possible

I’m sorry, but who is he?

Back to hangin dong

Only cost him $790 million in medical bills. He had United Health Care.

Now he can get back to sniffing out crime

No hesitation. So surrender. No man left behind.

I love me some Dolph!

I remember when he mentioned his “Viking rapist blood” on The Eric Andre Show ๐Ÿ˜†ย 

He’s got the good stuff, that’s for sure. I’m super impressed that he directed a few films during this stretch too


I wish Mr. Lundgren the best of health.

He truly has the power of Grayskull behind and deserves the sword of power!!

He is the Master of the Universe after all.

The celebrity male role models of the 80s all seem to be genuine af – I wonder how today’s examples will turn out

dude he still looks great

Good dude

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