This is what the surface of an asteroid looks like.

By sco-go
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Looks like the inside of my vacuum cleaner

It’s not just a boulder… It’s a rock!

When they landed on it it showed that it was basicly floof.
There is so little gravity that the lander almost broke it apart, and as the heaviest/densest object it will one day become the astroids core.

Looks like the crust on top of parking-lot snow piles come the end of March.

So like the ocean floor

Maybe that’s just the lighting. And most of the pics I see of the floor are silty. But I stand by what I said, makes me feel like I’m 20k leagues under the sea

POV: You’re a cable installer under my house.

Something about the lighting here makes this feel r/oddlyterrifying

The things this asteroid has seen 🤩

I wish we knew the scale of this image.

A completely pristine place, untouched until now, for billions of years.

About what I expected, based mostly on my thorough knowledge of the movies Armageddon and Deep Impact

I long for the day we get pics with stars in the background (yes i know why we dont)

It feels so lonely

It’s crazy to look at it and think about where it might have come from, what it’s been through.

It’s beautiful.

Look, it’s a piece of space corn

This rock probably rotated around the sun for billions of years with every day just like the rest until one day a little probe visits it and takes a photo.

How tf do u even land on something like this?

Didn’t Japan shoot an asteroid? I assume it was this one?

Nah I’ve been in this attic before. Lost a good set of wire strippers too. 

The thing that always makes me pause (and make my stomach drop) in space photos is the pure, vast, and utter blackness of space. With these objects hurtling through, silently. It’s mind-boggling and terrifying.

That creeps me out for some reason

It looks like coal.

Reminds me of lava rock or scoria if you magnified it.

We finally get to see something that only dinosaurs have seen before.

I wonder how many diamonds are in this here space rock

Looks like a first person POV in a horror movie 🍿


I wonder what it would look like if the flash wasn’t on. It looks really dark. Like too dark to see without lights.

Looks like shit, pass.

The rest of the Universe looks shit. We should look after Earth I reckon.

Had a crawl space that looked like that.

Oddly terrifying

It’s mind blowing we actually have a photo of this. The absolute darkness beyond the frame is scary as heck. Just this little piece of our home, a lone artificial light plummeting into the void with insane precision.

Need banana for scale

One of Gods turds.

Stupid question: why is it all black if it’s in space? It seems like all asteroids are but why wouldn’t they have any other metallic or mineral coloring on the outside?

If anyone’s seen the movie The Descent… this is all I’m thinking about rn… No thanks!

Yup, it’s stone

Could use a woman’s touch.

I wonder how it tastes like.

for some reason, it gives me “underwater vibes”

My back garden?

At least it’s clean of baobabs. This is a nice asteroid.

I love this stuff.

Banana for scale?

What’s that made of?

See the peanut? Dead giveaway.



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