like why bro

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How old are you?


Guess I’m 40 yo then

I’m 40 now , doing this for the last 20+years , I guess I’m ahead of time

The age is completely irrelevant. and you must not be a coffee drinker then? it wakes people up that have problems waking up! and like other said help take a shit so they dont have to at work or away from home. your meme sucks sorry my dude


I just love my morning coffee. I have for years. Since I was in my 20s too.

that’s just how it is bro

Thats been me since 28. I’m 35 now

Because I like it. Why give a fuck?

Coffee is fuel for them

go a timhortons between 6h30 and 7h30 see what kinda people get coffee

It’s called addiction, maybe you’ve heard of it.

Well, it’s a routine, coffee as soon as you get up makes you need a shit, gotta have a morning dump

As you get older, the gut slows down, okay?

The only good thing of the day and approved by society

I’m 21 and this is me

This has been me since like 18. Probably most people. Caffeine is one addiction thats actually sort of healthy if you aren’t getting it with loads of sugar or too close to bed time.

Dont coffeeshame me bro.

I’m less than half of that.

You drink coffee to wake up, I wake up to drink coffee.

You’ll understand when your our age brother

And it completely understandable

Get a high pressure job and age won’t matter. Trust.

Gross ass bean water.

I thought it was absolutely necessary for years, drank half a pot a day. Then went on vacation without easy access and what do you know, nothing changed at all.

Just stopped drinking it after that, though i do like a candy flavored energy drink now. Not every day though

How else are you supposed to shit when you eat Bojangles and Hardee’s for breakfast every day

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