A metal detectorist that unearthed an elderly old farmer’s Rolex after it was eaten by a cow five decades ago.

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He was so poor he had to feed his cow with rolex

That Rolex is bullshit

That cow has a good taste

What kind of farmer has a Rolex?

Was the cow named Christopher Walken?

Upvoting the proper use of detectorist (vs. detector).

“Tom that’s a nice Rolex but why does it smell like shit?”

An elderly, old, ancient, decrepit farmer.

That cows name was Capt Koons

Elderly and old… Wow, must be like 300 then

What bullshit

Poor farmers, can’t even keep hold of their Rolexs.


That metal detectorist deserves an award for being outstanding in the field!

That restoration video would have been amazing.

So he hid it in the one place he knew he could hide somethin’. His ass. Five long years, he wore this watch up his ass. Then when he died of dysentery, he gave me the watch. I hid this uncomfortable hunk of metal up my ass for two years. Then, after seven years, I was sent home to my family. And now, little man, I give the watch to you.

He’s not just old. He’s elderly old.

Wow, elderly AND old?

It was waiting for him out in the briar and bramble.

Pub? Go on then

Pulp Fiction [vibes]comment image) here.

Mackenzie Crook must be so envious right now.

Get him on Pawn Stars!!

Was the cow called Captain Koons?

Wow… Of all of the Sh*t you dig up metal detecting!?!

“with gilded marks”

Farmers that own multiple high end tractors and combines and drive around in their classic vintage sports cars and range rovers around the countryside. Essentially the top Gs of society.

A 50-year-long ‘moo’-ving treasure hunt… who knew?

It was hard as shit to clean up

That has to be the shittiest Rolex ever considering what it survived….

Farmers got Rolexi? Im inna wrong business.

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