We live in wild times

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Very V for Vendetta kind of thing happening right now.

Listen, the CEOs will just have to deal with the realities of life. Nothing can be done, except arm all their employees to prevent future incidents.

Yes I’m mimicking the school shooting talking points.

It’s just a fact of life that CEOs get gunned down.

I am Spartacus.

Sometimes I really love this country.

I knew this was going to happen lol – I think everyone did…


Deny Defend Depose

How soon before hoodies, backpacks and gaiters are banned everywhere?


We might have lost the election but we haven’t lost our creativity

It’s not his drip Id like to see people copy…

CEOs should just Get over it.

Leon is very afraid. Now he is actually with his kids and using them as human shields.

Was this hosted by the FBI? Do you look like the shooter, stop by the park because you could win a new flat screen TV!

I love it. I never wore Halloween costumes, but this is perfect

It would be so fucking funny if the actual shooter showed up and no one knew. Even funnier if he lost the competition

Everyone cosplaying their favorite hero!

Are the cops there doing interviews? Would be wild if The Claims Adjuster made a celebrity appearance wouldn’t it? He’s in another country by now just reading all these posts and comments. 🫡

I recommend live shooter drills at insurance offices.

This is where the shooter pulls a, “Thomas Crown Affair” and slips away with the crowd of lookalikes. After leaving a copy of his manifesto of course.

I guess if you are absurdly rich from profiting off the death of many people you should be worried.

I actually heard the leading cause of CEO deaths is CEO on CEO violence.

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It was the ceo fault anyways , did you see what he wearing ? Not a single bullet proof item to be had .

If he is gonna walk around with all his vulnerable parts out he shoulda expected someone to take advantage of that

“First Annual”

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