This guy was hanging out on the Liberty Bridge in Pittsburgh last night

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Imagine publicly outing yourself as a someone who is stupid enough to emulate belonging to the most hated, anti-freedom, anti-human, failed political regime in history,

Make Nazis afraid again.

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Here’s another picture of these two clowns I found on x


The LIBERTY Bridge. Talk about the jokes writing themselves.

If anyone knows who this is please share this with their employer

Shocked cus they usually cover their faces

Cross posted this to r/Pittsburgh, hopefully someone over here can identify him

Edit: apparently I’m like the 100th repost, but the mods very quickly remove the posts of this guy

Edit 2: took 14 minutes for my post to get removed lol

Pittsburgh mods keep deleting this post.

Hope you told him to fuck off with his limp bullshit.

Bro looks like a swollen toe

The left wing needs to learn to make rotten eggs great again. Literal ones.

lol what an insane way to spend your finite amount time on earth…that shit just amazes me. Moron.


Cue the Blues Brothers scene – let’s see if he can swim.

If you carry the flags of our enemies you should be treated as such


Nazis are cowards

Lost soul.

Let’s eat him!

For all those saying they should have been pushed off the bridge or whatever; I wish. But this was after midnight on the sidewalk behind a railing on a bridge that has nowhere to pull over and police were reportedly on the scene already. Let them try this during bumper to bumper stopped rush hour traffic and hopefully all our wishes would come true.

I hate Pennsylvania Nazis.

ill accept downvotes if they come
my way but this is the behavior I feared would return with the election results. They are way too comfortable now just as they were from 2016-2020. Gonna be a long 4 years

Edit: missing word

Wearing a GoPro in case someone attacks him…

Edit: and holding pepper spray?

ITs aNtiFa!!

Why was he not getting seven shades of shit stomped out of him on sight?

Where are their tiki torches??? Aren’t there good people on both sides? Isn’t it so great that the Orange One and his MAGA brown shirts don’t need their Cialis when they see these people?

Wow !!! This dude is looking to get shot !

Judge: Why did you shoot the Nazi 7 times ?
Me: Because my gun only held 7, & 6 didn’t seem like enough.

[ Removed by Reddit ]

Because of his freedom and liberty he’s able to wave that awful flag which will cause every sane person to avoid him for his entire life.

I love America.

Is it a red trump flag?

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