In 2011, a baby penguin born in a Chinese zoo without feathers was rejected by his parents. Zookeepers discovered he had digestive problems, so they hand-fed him until he grew feathers and was reunited with his parents.

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He looks so sad without feathers

That must have been an awkward reunion. Also I love how they had stuffed penguins as a stand in family.

Awe poor baby

After that nonsense, his parents don’t deserve him. He’s worthy of so much better

I’m not crying

They gave him emotional support stuffies🥹

“You’re pretty! We can love you now!”

These birds are simply sunbathing—it’s great for their well-being

Congrats on ruining the penguin genepool, now the digestive issue gene will survive. Humans, smh /s

The other day I read here “I recently learned that “Penguin” in Mandarin is translated as “business goose” and I can’t think of anything else really.” and now I also can’t stop thinking about it.

Must have been one awkward conversation

His parents didn’t deserve him!

The belly demands rubs

What a shitty parents…

Nature doesn’t care about awww

Isn’t that the plot for Happy Feet? I got a feeling it can tap dance.

Somebody contact Pixar

Rejection behavior exist in birds?

can he tap dance? know the words to “In my room”?

This is what humans should be for animals, instead….

Why would a Chinese zoo have feathers?

Poor baby 🥺

3-2-1.. until american redditors arrive and accuse OP as China propaganda shill for posting positive stories about chinese people

So… they did exactly what a keeper in a zoo is supposed to do? Especially that first his problems were caused by mishandling of the parents and not providing them enough nutrients. So they fixed their mistakes. And they are heroes?

Lemme see him with his family or go away.

Pretty sure China still treats mentally ill and cognitive impaired people like horror shows putting them in asylums and families in rural villages have been known to chain these family members up in backyard shacks; but hey if your a Penguin in Schenzchen then you win win


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