People hate what they don’t understand

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Just like how the Republicans are draining the swamp by *checks notes* stacking government posts with billionaires and close friends of the incoming President.

That’s a gamble. The ones that actively understand what’s going on, but support it nonetheless, are just waiting for someone to try to be clever so they can paint it as *you* being the idiot, and infodump every piece of right wing malarkey they can spit before you either digress or it’ll escalate

FDR’s second VP, Henry Wallace, thought all the fuss about communism was a waste of time. In his opinion, let the communists be communists and the USA would be capitalists and the proof would be in the pudding. I could never understand the American hatred of socialism and communism. No economic model ever runs without modifications and the USA is a long way from capitalism just as no other country is purely socialist or communist or anything else.

I can have productive conversations with my centrist brother about negative workplace experiences, including how power can corrupt supervisors. He’ll even agree with some fairly radical critiques of authority figures. However, if I introduce any left-leaning ideas, he immediately starts to argue against them, even if he doesn’t genuinely believe the counterarguments

Anti-socialism is just the rich tricking everyone else into thinking we can join their club. 

I think this does a disservice to the fear of socialism prevalent in the USA. Most anti-socialist thought is not about sharing profits of private enterprise or co-op initiatives.

It is the unbridled fear of government intervention and ever-growing state intervention, overreach and spending.

I am not saying I agree with Conservative views, merely that this comeback is not the “gotcha” it looks like.

If you head out to rural USA I am certain most conservative voters would speak fondly of regional banks and local government, farming cooperatives and rural community with values that look like socialism.

They just don’t support *federal* socialism.

When you accidentally make socialism sound patriotic and it works.

Most conservatives would strongly disagree with that statement—not out of ignorance about socialism, but because they fundamentally oppose its principle of public or collective ownership of the means of production and distribution of goods.

Or the nearly 120+ million deaths

That’s a pretty simplistic definition of socialism though. When you say that to someone coming from a capitalist mindset that makes it sound like the people are just stockholders or something.

Are there any socialist countries in the world right now?

I don’t think workers should own/be in charge of their own workplace.

It’s remarkable that some people believe workers should own businesses simply because they work there, without any consideration for the effort, risk, and sacrifices that went into creating and growing the company.

Starting a business is no small feat. The founder takes on financial and personal risks, often investing years of hard work before it becomes profitable enough to hire employees. By what logic does merely being hired to do a job entitle someone to ownership of what they didn’t create?

It’s easy to demand ownership when you’ve never experienced the pressures of entrepreneurship—meeting payroll, navigating market competition, or facing the possibility of failure. If you’re so confident in this idea, why not start your own business? Build it from the ground up, pour your energy into it, and then, after years of hard work, go ahead and redistribute ownership to your employees. Let us know how that works out for you.

The entitlement here is astounding. Workers deserve fair wages and good working conditions – absolutely. But ownership? That’s something earned through creation, investment, and risk -not just by clocking in.

Co-ops are a thing that exists in capitalism.

I, and many other conservatives, have no problem with workers getting an ownership stake in the company they work for.

If anything, having a vested interest in the place you work benefits both parties.

Socialism is where the government dictates who owns what.

Also tell those workers they could own the company they are working for if they buy shares of the company instead of guzzling gas station beer and ham sandwiches

Just buy stock in the company if that’s what you want to do?

Tell that to the people that lived under it and now rightfully hate it.

Sociology major here. I lived in a socialist country for 10 years and realized why socialism is awful. Is not not understanding socialism that’s the problem.

Followed by ‘knowing history’

People reliant on the affordable care act voted for someone promising to abolish it, because conservarives called it obama care and obama = bad

These people are so incredibly stupid you could convince them of anything by just calling it something stupid and saying liberals belive it

“Those liberals are doing something terrible called quenching, they are quenching the kids with dangerous dihydrogen monoxide, THE KIDS!, We need to abolish quenching”

If you ask a socialist what he doesn’t like about capitalism, he describes capitalism.

If you ask a capitalist what he doesn’t like about socialism, he describes capitalism.

I lived in socialism. I hate socialism.

I bet the number one cause is the brainwashing rich people do demonizing it

I recently got into a fight with a bunch of Fox News guzzlers over $1 billion in foreign aid to Africa. “AMERICA FIRST!!1!” they frothed.
Foreign aid is how you buy influence and trade relationships in the world. It also prevents refugees/immigration. If America doesn’t provide that aid, China does. Missing that opportunity (for a fraction of a percent of our budgetary spending) doesn’t sound very America First to me.

They’re actively lied to, and sadly too dumb to do the work of trying to actually understand what they’ve been told to hate.

Sneaky socialism: now in a flavor conservatives can agree with.

• Tells a stupid individual their crazy idea
• Gets positive feedback
• Goes online to gloat

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