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Imagine how many crimes could be solved if they used the resources they’ve put in on this case on average peoples cases. Maybe give a few million to test the backed up rape kits?

I’m tiering up just reading this

It’s pretty blatant that

1) important people can commit crimes without repercussions

2) crimes committed against important people will receive maximum repercussions

Excuse me, what is 2-Tiered?

I know my murder wouldn’t receive the same coverage or investigation.

All i keep thinking is: If i was shot in the street, would the police be this active in finding my killer?

Rich people are getting better public services after they die than everyone else while we’re alive.

Sums up the situation to me!

Sounds like the modern 24/7 news cycle industry to me.

The media is just harvesting clicks. Clearly it is working considering the number of Reddit posts. 

Its called classism

If the Supreme Court says that the police have no obligation to protect citizens, do they have any obligation to find a killer?

I wonder if they will cover the claim for medical services in full? 🤣

Waiting for the go-fund-me for the shooters defense.

Tiers all the way down.

What does 2-tier mean here? It’s being used like a mad man

That’s rich.

This is your Explanation of Benefits.

By the way, this is the epitome of ‘national security.’ When people hear ‘national security’ they often think it refers to practical outside threats like some Afghani with a bomb. But in reality it refers to this – the suppression of ideas which could disrupt the status quo order of things in the country.

The pouring in of resources isnt so much *because he was rich* as it is *because he represented the rich* subtle difference

Our president has 34 felonies. If you or I have ONE felony we cannot vote. This is America.

Hardly, its a news story. What do you expect them to do celebrate?

Meanwhile the people elected woth the responsibility to protect the people are continuing to take bribes to fuck people over.

I personally hope this guy is just getting started. The rentier class needs to be afraid and start using their absolute death grip on power to start making serious changes.

But that’s clearly not going to happen with the current political landscape, so hopefully a few more of these fucks make someone’s hit list.

Health care corporations had a choice to make.

Pay a CEO hundreds of millions of dollars to deny people coverage and fire employees.


Pay sick people hundreds of millions of dollars to live.

They made their decision, so have the people of this country.

The entire population right now is like, “Naw, I ain’t never seen the dude. That image could be anyone. Kinda looks like AI to me anyway, dawg.”

Everyone just needs to keep piling the praise on the shooter. Really freak the media out with the idea of creating copycats because everyone loves this dude so much. People hate school shooters but imagine if they were all scumbag CEO shooters.

Really it’s more of a three tier system. One for the rich, one for most everyone else, and then one for the homeless or disadvantaged.

Ummm, what?


The problem is people assuming the killing was some sort of Robin Hood-esque act and not a cold blooded assassin who was probably hired by someone just as bad or worse. Sorry guys but this was not some grand revolution. It was a hit man. Who did what he’s paid to do.

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