U.S. corporate media is proving to be more worthless every day.

By CrJ418
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Yea Fox has been beating the hunter biden pardon to death instead of reporting on Syria and other more important news. It’s nauseating.

The rich people really getting their money’s worth. Keeping people dumb and uninformed keeps them in line.

They don’t want anyone getting any ideas.

Turns out, news channels are just reality TV without the roses.

Just to be clear the bbc is publicly funded by the compulsory purchase of a tv licence so is much harder to control than the us media which is all privately owned.

I know the BBC is not perfect, no media is, but I genuinely like what they do. I’m sure someone will point out an example of them dropping the ball hard on some subject but as a whole, I think they do a great job.

When I want actual world or even US news I opt for either BBC or al-Jazeera; strange how both of those are more neutral than any US based reporting…

That exact scenario happened to me a few years ago during a global summit. CNN was talking about Russian collusion, MSNBC about Stormy Daniel’s and Fox about some immigrant who’d committed a crime. Only the BBC was taking about the summit and the steel tariffs at issue. They were even interviewing steel workers in the US. It was shameful.

Adam Smith’s cold dead hand is giving us hand jobs because we won’t pay unless we get our happy ending.

The free market delivers the entertainment we demand and at present we’re just entirely interested in ourselves.

Fox News isnt news it’s an entertainment show

US media does its best to not let people know anything happens outside of America.

~~Governments~~ The 1% don’t want a population capable of critical thinking, they want obedient workers, people just smart enough to run the machines and just dumb enough to passively accept their situation.
~~George Carlin~~ Me

Why I have not watched American media for at least a year. I trust the BBC, CBC, al Jazeera, agent France pressed, and Deutsche welle far more

BBC World News is excellent. Used to travel internationally for work a lot and was always impressed about how much I learned about things going on in the world that are never covered by the US media.

And now you know we an independent media funded by the public is important. That is why the people in the UK have the BBC and why Germany has publicly funded media. And that is why demagogues and populists always have the elimination of independent media as one of the first points on their agendas.

As a Brit, the two things I am most proud of are the BBC and the NHS. Imagine how different the US would be if they had these two institutions.

What’s PBS got? Why doesn’t anyone ever check out PBS?

Both CNN and MSNBC covered the Syria story repeatedly and in great depth throughout the week.

This tweet was clearly posted last night – and on Saturday nights these networks don’t air news – but usually documentaries and other content instead.

But go off

If Americans were interested in world happenings the media would tell us we were interested in them.

Al Jazeera also damn good. Now watch Elon shut down PBS.

big fan of BBC for years! The US news organization dont care about global anything its all about ratings and clicks. Useless

One of the biggest shocks from moving to the States was the lack of coverage for international news. You have to actively look for it, unlike literally anywhere else where the evening news will have a decently long segment on international occurrences

Al-Jazeera English is free on Roku and Android TV boxes, and they have a live feed.

Im so happy to see people calling out the media

It goes beyond worthless. It’s why we are where we are.

It’s always been this way. 

I remember being in Europe in 2002 and realizing CNN over there showed actual news and moved quickly, whereas in the US it lingered for hours on fluff. 

But that keeps us watching, sadly. And is cheap. 

Billionaire Corporate Media at it’s finest.

The BBC world service podcast is my go to for daily news. US media sucks.

Corporate media is about as useless as a marzipan dildo. Independent media is the future.

Our media has failed us

Now you understand what it meant when it was said “THE REVOLUTION WILL NOT BE TELEVISED”

1st amendment down. Now the next one…

I’ve literally stopped watching local news. I get my weather forecast from an app, everything else I research accordingly. Still informed and not being force fed their BS.

The Billionaires that own the Media are not going to allow anything that ,would warrant a so called sanction from the Trump Administration to occur. So if anything they’ll allow more negative news about migrants and minorities to dominate the news. That way Trump and all his loyalists will remain content.

International coverage by US TV news organizations is nonexistent. They will only report int’l stories when it serves their needs. their corporate needs,and now whatever Trump and the GOP wants or needs. We all remember how they drove us into war with Iraq working with the GOP to spread lies about Saddam and Iraq.

Why don’t the rich do-gooders band together, pool their money, and start an actual news channel. Like Clooney and DiCaprio and whoever else.

The propaganda shit is out of control in America and will likely get worse after you know who slinks back into the White House

Is it any wonder you see Musk threatening the EU media for not allowing him to spew disinformation via X? Is it any wonder that Russian talking heads are spreading the idea that Russia is for peace to gullible Americans?

They want what Russia has, a big happy Oligarchy.

In America those talking panels that politicize the news are the most popular. Actual reporting of the news is rather unpopular unless it’s the weather or traffic section.

For all its problems, Aaron Sorkin’s Newsroom was right about a lot of things.

What bothers me the most is that we’ve known this for at least 6 years now. So what’s beyond me? Why you’re still complaining about it and still watching it? I don’t get it shut the shit off and I don’t need to hear no justification

It is not about the media. US has lost the ability to *notice* events in the world, let alone understand and predict them.

I haven’t watched US mass media for years. I get my news from BBC or Sky News. You know, places that report…the…news. As opposed to watching 4 agenda-driven idiots perpetrate stupid culture wars.

All U.S corporate media is in league with the elite class and the elite class support the GOP. Its unbelievably obvious after how Bidans campaign was covered and Trump recieved constant attention and almost no real ridicule or consequence. Frankly.. the democrats aren’t really opposition to the GOP anyways.. they receive donations from the same billionaire elite class to remain in power. They are all the same. Fuck. All. Of them.

Heard this somewhere.. News stopped being news when it changed to 24/7 coverage. Now it’s just entertainment to keep people watching.

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