It has its problems like every CoD release, but overall, I’m having fun.
Edit: Damn, wasn’t expecting a mundane comment like this to blow up lol
Edit 2: Awards?! Thank you, but ya’ll nuts!
3 months ago
Multiplayer is okay, depends on mood. Zombies and prop hunt is quite literally carrying my enjoyment of this game personally.
3 months ago
I like everything about it except the maps. My god they’re bad.
3 months ago
Matchmaking sucks. If you’re gonna put me against players of similar skill, that should also apply to my teammates. Giving me 5 bottom feeders is blatantly unfair.
Being top of the leaderboard but losing the overwhelming majority of games isn’t fun, Activision.
3 months ago
It’s the most fun I have had playing COD since Cold War. Maybe I’m just a Treyarch fan boy.
3 months ago
Great game base. Feels amazing flows great on certain maps, but it’s the same old post warzone cod issues that we’ve complained about for years, terrible servers, spawn system is still flawed, we still have the same SBMM that we’ve all dreaded for half a decade now. With that being said it’s still my favorite cod of the warzone/cdl era which is a low bar. We need new maps that aren’t integrated with the warzone and we need more transparency from activision.
3 months ago
One weapon away from dark matter, having fun almost daily, hasn’t happened since MW2019
Game good
3 months ago
Honestly not bad. I like the gameplay and the weapons. It’s the maps …the maps are the most absolutely trash maps in the history of COD. I feel like I can’t breathe because I’m constantly spawning on enemies or literally in their line of fire. I do one good game and just get trashed the next five.
3 months ago
This goes for MP, zombies is some real fun and the campaign isn’t incredible but I enjoyed it.
I want to like the game but the game doesn’t want me to like it. Every match feels like it’s rigged and I can predict from the few first kills/ deaths if the game will be playable or not; you either roll on the lobby or get played as if it was your first CoD, to discover at the end of the game that the semi-pro players you seemed to face went 34-31.
Add the desync to the mix which makes some weapons litteraly unplayable (Tsarkov, SWAT, Kompact, Marine, the pistols), the god-awful spawns and you get a rage-inducing game that can make me go to zombies after one or two MP matches.
Also, the map pool is really terrible, it ranges from horrendous to OK-tier at most.
3 months ago
great game when it works, but this is the jankiest cod I’ve ever played in terms of bugs/server issues/lag.
3 months ago
Not as much fun as I had in MW3
3 months ago
It’s good enough but it lacks some intangible thing that I can’t quite pin down. It lacks identity, charm and soul. It has no aesthetic or thematic cohesion.
Obviously most people won’t care about that stuff, but for myself it makes for a hollow experience. All numbers, algorithms, AI and transactions.
3 months ago
it’s a cod that i’ve loved grinding, can’t say that about anything since BO3. the bugs are minor and even when i get upset at the game it’s mostly a skill issue rather than a critical bug with the game
3 months ago
with the direction theyre going in with the special weapons, AI art, almost taking our double XP tokens away, Pay2Win Blackcell rewards for serial buyers (which ruins to classic prestige system), we got duped, theyll pull some BO2 nostaliga bait for CoD 2025 and itll fall short just like how the campaign was this CoD, CoD 2025 will essentially be a publicity release for Verdansk, CoD is cooked yall, still can be fun tho
3 months ago
It was fun but now I’m always put on teams that get whopped.
Not fun anymore tbh. Might come back in season 3 or something. Glad I didn’t have to pay $80 for this.
3 months ago
MW3 is hands down better. And if it had omni-movement, it would destroy BO6.
3 months ago
I like the game but it just has so many bugs that really pulls the game down for me.
Multiplayer thoughts: the maps are fine for me I’ve played cod since Black Ops 1 days and I agree having some bigger maps would definitely be nicer. These maps still play somewhat fine, it’s just the spawns can really suck at times.
The gun selection always seems to be a weak point of treyarch games, I’ve never understood why, but if we could keep getting 5 guns per season that would be excellent.
Omni-movement is good and feels fluid but it definitely makes the game more competitive imo, so it can get tiring. Perks are good and so are streaks but not as good as B01 days or even B03-B04.
Zombies mode thoughts: I think it has a alright base right now, but pls treyarch either make armour plates drop more frequently or bring back Cold War zombies armour system.
Pack a punch seems too weak now for guns, and I hate that essentially every public game is just people having to use only wonder weapons, because the gun balance is in the toilet.
I’d really love a complete overhaul for guns in zombies so me and others can use whatever gun we want and go to round 30+ without issue.
Besides gun balance and the awful warzone armour system, the maps are my next disliked aspect.
Maps need to be much better right now, it’s so generic feeling. A huge cool thing used to be you felt like you were playing in a crazy fun fantasy map but it’s so boring the maps now that it’s super disappointing.
All up, whoever is in charge of making maps for multiplayer and zombies either need to learn the words arcade and fun in the dictionary or find a new job.
As it’s the weakest and most terrible point in the game by far.
3 months ago
cheaters and hackers ruin it.
3 months ago
It’s pretty good, but I stopped playing it. I got burnt out. Too many people that clearly have no hobbies but play this and prestige
3 months ago
Having fun. But stop removing game modes when you add a new game mode. Let us play whatever we feel like playing.
3 months ago
It’s been pretty disappointing. The guns have little personality and the attachments lack depth. Attachments are very basic and boring. The perks are really poorly balanced and the system overall is busted. Maps are so insanely bad. Maybe the worst maps in COD history. The Omni-movement is sweaty and it makes every map play at a break neck pace. There’s no flow to the maps. Every game feels like a shipment match. On top of it all, Activision shoving AI into our faces is gross. AI “art” is evil plain and simply and it’s frankly disgusting how cheap and lazy Activision is. The lag and de-synch is awful too. I’ve found myself playing this game so much less than any other COD. It’s actually broken my COD addiction. I’m playing other stuff and just doing other things.
3 months ago
No different from previous call of duty games . They prioritize WZ and bundles and skins over fixing the game like packet burst or little stuff in menus which are always clunky and slow to navigate and then you got classes that are bugging out and not working when I wanna change attachment in games or just over the years every update seems to break some basic things in the game which is a joke I. I don’t hate SBMM but yet again it’s unclear about what skill base match making is when its matching me against aderall taking kids while pairing me up with Helen Keller team mates .
3 months ago
Activision needs to pull their heads out of their asses.
3 months ago
I stopped playing it, I’m pretty disappointed I don’t like it.
3 months ago
Honestly, I just deleted it last night from my ps5. My experience has not been as enjoyable as others I see on here. I have played them all since the beginning, just saying. It has been every match, I mainly play tdm since thats all my buddies will play, there is a group or a solo person with some real generic name super high prestige, shooting everyone through walls, has 48/2 or some unknown thing. Tried other game modes myself, just went down the list and once again I get thrown into a match that’s halfway done with 1-3 people on the other team just standing in spawn shooting everyone or some unknown stuff is going on.
It seems like I can only play for 2-5 matches before it just shit storms you for the next 2 hours or however long it is, till it puts you in a match that’s just ok, close game on kills and stuff, then right after that it’s just another shit storm for hours, then another nice match. And during those shit storm matches, I managed to just barely get 1.0. Then the nice ok matches come in, and it’s around 1.5 or so.
I have a decent k/d of 1.2, but I have to just camp now, I get that I’m getting older, 39, and my hands from working manual labor my whole life are going to shit. And all these people are leagues ahead of me, probably an elite controller or k/m but with crossplay turned off and just going against other “ps5 users”, I say that because I don’t think it’s ever actually off, it just seems well rather odd that these guys are jumping in circles in the air while shooting with no recoil on the gun in the kill cam, then you pick the weapon up and it just fires all over the place. Had a match where some guy had a pack a punched gs45 shooting exploding bullets in domination, level 300 or something. I didn’t see an event or special game mode, so I don’t know.
I think what just finally did it for me is that I was trying too hard to enjoy the game. I just didn’t know what the actual hell was going on in some of the matches. Just bizarre crap kept happening, and my buddies just would sit through it, getting killed just over and over at spawn, getting mad and arguing, and these are guys that I literally grew up with 30 years now I’ve known and played with them, never has it been this bad. We kept saying yeah bad match, bad match, bad match, for hours just trying to get one decent match, just one match where it was a struggle to keep the lead or that come back from 80-100 or something you know, just not constantly getting shit on.
I don’t know how SBMM works or that other thing you all were talking about, I’m a carpenter it went over me, but my skills in the game are below average, there is no way in hell I should be up against some dude with a 14 kd or something, or a ranked player in a basic match with a 9 kd, they say your bad at wz if your anything under a 2.5 kd. My buddies both have around a solid 1 kd, and I think one is at a .95 other is at probably 1.1. So I don’t understand, has the gap of skill become that large? Or am I just a complete idiot and just reinstall the game and enjoy it again?
3 months ago
Good but has too much AI slop
3 months ago
If it wasn’t for the shitty servers and cheaters it would be great. Right now it’s just alright. Tired of getting slammed by pros or whatever 5 games in a row just to get 1 good game and then back to the 5 game gauntlet of pros.
3 months ago
Love the weapons in this game. Most maps suck. I quit half the lobbies im in.
3 months ago
It frustrates me that team players can block your movement completely. It’s annoying. Fine game but I miss ground war with a larger battlefield.
3 months ago
I played it for a few weeks. I just simply don’t enjoy it anywhere near the level of Cold War, BO3 and MW2019, which are the 3 CODs I spend most of my gaming time on
It has its problems like every CoD release, but overall, I’m having fun.
Edit: Damn, wasn’t expecting a mundane comment like this to blow up lol
Edit 2: Awards?! Thank you, but ya’ll nuts!
Multiplayer is okay, depends on mood. Zombies and prop hunt is quite literally carrying my enjoyment of this game personally.
I like everything about it except the maps. My god they’re bad.
Matchmaking sucks. If you’re gonna put me against players of similar skill, that should also apply to my teammates. Giving me 5 bottom feeders is blatantly unfair.
Being top of the leaderboard but losing the overwhelming majority of games isn’t fun, Activision.
It’s the most fun I have had playing COD since Cold War. Maybe I’m just a Treyarch fan boy.
Great game base. Feels amazing flows great on certain maps, but it’s the same old post warzone cod issues that we’ve complained about for years, terrible servers, spawn system is still flawed, we still have the same SBMM that we’ve all dreaded for half a decade now. With that being said it’s still my favorite cod of the warzone/cdl era which is a low bar. We need new maps that aren’t integrated with the warzone and we need more transparency from activision.
One weapon away from dark matter, having fun almost daily, hasn’t happened since MW2019
Game good
Honestly not bad. I like the gameplay and the weapons. It’s the maps …the maps are the most absolutely trash maps in the history of COD. I feel like I can’t breathe because I’m constantly spawning on enemies or literally in their line of fire. I do one good game and just get trashed the next five.
This goes for MP, zombies is some real fun and the campaign isn’t incredible but I enjoyed it.
I want to like the game but the game doesn’t want me to like it. Every match feels like it’s rigged and I can predict from the few first kills/ deaths if the game will be playable or not; you either roll on the lobby or get played as if it was your first CoD, to discover at the end of the game that the semi-pro players you seemed to face went 34-31.
Add the desync to the mix which makes some weapons litteraly unplayable (Tsarkov, SWAT, Kompact, Marine, the pistols), the god-awful spawns and you get a rage-inducing game that can make me go to zombies after one or two MP matches.
Also, the map pool is really terrible, it ranges from horrendous to OK-tier at most.
great game when it works, but this is the jankiest cod I’ve ever played in terms of bugs/server issues/lag.
Not as much fun as I had in MW3
It’s good enough but it lacks some intangible thing that I can’t quite pin down. It lacks identity, charm and soul. It has no aesthetic or thematic cohesion.
Obviously most people won’t care about that stuff, but for myself it makes for a hollow experience. All numbers, algorithms, AI and transactions.
it’s a cod that i’ve loved grinding, can’t say that about anything since BO3. the bugs are minor and even when i get upset at the game it’s mostly a skill issue rather than a critical bug with the game
with the direction theyre going in with the special weapons, AI art, almost taking our double XP tokens away, Pay2Win Blackcell rewards for serial buyers (which ruins to classic prestige system), we got duped, theyll pull some BO2 nostaliga bait for CoD 2025 and itll fall short just like how the campaign was this CoD, CoD 2025 will essentially be a publicity release for Verdansk, CoD is cooked yall, still can be fun tho
It was fun but now I’m always put on teams that get whopped.
Not fun anymore tbh. Might come back in season 3 or something. Glad I didn’t have to pay $80 for this.
MW3 is hands down better. And if it had omni-movement, it would destroy BO6.
I like the game but it just has so many bugs that really pulls the game down for me.
Multiplayer thoughts: the maps are fine for me I’ve played cod since Black Ops 1 days and I agree having some bigger maps would definitely be nicer. These maps still play somewhat fine, it’s just the spawns can really suck at times.
The gun selection always seems to be a weak point of treyarch games, I’ve never understood why, but if we could keep getting 5 guns per season that would be excellent.
Omni-movement is good and feels fluid but it definitely makes the game more competitive imo, so it can get tiring. Perks are good and so are streaks but not as good as B01 days or even B03-B04.
Zombies mode thoughts: I think it has a alright base right now, but pls treyarch either make armour plates drop more frequently or bring back Cold War zombies armour system.
Pack a punch seems too weak now for guns, and I hate that essentially every public game is just people having to use only wonder weapons, because the gun balance is in the toilet.
I’d really love a complete overhaul for guns in zombies so me and others can use whatever gun we want and go to round 30+ without issue.
Besides gun balance and the awful warzone armour system, the maps are my next disliked aspect.
Maps need to be much better right now, it’s so generic feeling. A huge cool thing used to be you felt like you were playing in a crazy fun fantasy map but it’s so boring the maps now that it’s super disappointing.
All up, whoever is in charge of making maps for multiplayer and zombies either need to learn the words arcade and fun in the dictionary or find a new job.
As it’s the weakest and most terrible point in the game by far.
cheaters and hackers ruin it.
It’s pretty good, but I stopped playing it. I got burnt out. Too many people that clearly have no hobbies but play this and prestige
Having fun. But stop removing game modes when you add a new game mode. Let us play whatever we feel like playing.
It’s been pretty disappointing. The guns have little personality and the attachments lack depth. Attachments are very basic and boring. The perks are really poorly balanced and the system overall is busted. Maps are so insanely bad. Maybe the worst maps in COD history. The Omni-movement is sweaty and it makes every map play at a break neck pace. There’s no flow to the maps. Every game feels like a shipment match. On top of it all, Activision shoving AI into our faces is gross. AI “art” is evil plain and simply and it’s frankly disgusting how cheap and lazy Activision is. The lag and de-synch is awful too. I’ve found myself playing this game so much less than any other COD. It’s actually broken my COD addiction. I’m playing other stuff and just doing other things.
No different from previous call of duty games . They prioritize WZ and bundles and skins over fixing the game like packet burst or little stuff in menus which are always clunky and slow to navigate and then you got classes that are bugging out and not working when I wanna change attachment in games or just over the years every update seems to break some basic things in the game which is a joke I. I don’t hate SBMM but yet again it’s unclear about what skill base match making is when its matching me against aderall taking kids while pairing me up with Helen Keller team mates .
Activision needs to pull their heads out of their asses.
I stopped playing it, I’m pretty disappointed I don’t like it.
Honestly, I just deleted it last night from my ps5. My experience has not been as enjoyable as others I see on here. I have played them all since the beginning, just saying. It has been every match, I mainly play tdm since thats all my buddies will play, there is a group or a solo person with some real generic name super high prestige, shooting everyone through walls, has 48/2 or some unknown thing. Tried other game modes myself, just went down the list and once again I get thrown into a match that’s halfway done with 1-3 people on the other team just standing in spawn shooting everyone or some unknown stuff is going on.
It seems like I can only play for 2-5 matches before it just shit storms you for the next 2 hours or however long it is, till it puts you in a match that’s just ok, close game on kills and stuff, then right after that it’s just another shit storm for hours, then another nice match. And during those shit storm matches, I managed to just barely get 1.0. Then the nice ok matches come in, and it’s around 1.5 or so.
I have a decent k/d of 1.2, but I have to just camp now, I get that I’m getting older, 39, and my hands from working manual labor my whole life are going to shit. And all these people are leagues ahead of me, probably an elite controller or k/m but with crossplay turned off and just going against other “ps5 users”, I say that because I don’t think it’s ever actually off, it just seems well rather odd that these guys are jumping in circles in the air while shooting with no recoil on the gun in the kill cam, then you pick the weapon up and it just fires all over the place. Had a match where some guy had a pack a punched gs45 shooting exploding bullets in domination, level 300 or something. I didn’t see an event or special game mode, so I don’t know.
I think what just finally did it for me is that I was trying too hard to enjoy the game. I just didn’t know what the actual hell was going on in some of the matches. Just bizarre crap kept happening, and my buddies just would sit through it, getting killed just over and over at spawn, getting mad and arguing, and these are guys that I literally grew up with 30 years now I’ve known and played with them, never has it been this bad. We kept saying yeah bad match, bad match, bad match, for hours just trying to get one decent match, just one match where it was a struggle to keep the lead or that come back from 80-100 or something you know, just not constantly getting shit on.
I don’t know how SBMM works or that other thing you all were talking about, I’m a carpenter it went over me, but my skills in the game are below average, there is no way in hell I should be up against some dude with a 14 kd or something, or a ranked player in a basic match with a 9 kd, they say your bad at wz if your anything under a 2.5 kd. My buddies both have around a solid 1 kd, and I think one is at a .95 other is at probably 1.1. So I don’t understand, has the gap of skill become that large? Or am I just a complete idiot and just reinstall the game and enjoy it again?
Good but has too much AI slop
If it wasn’t for the shitty servers and cheaters it would be great. Right now it’s just alright. Tired of getting slammed by pros or whatever 5 games in a row just to get 1 good game and then back to the 5 game gauntlet of pros.
Love the weapons in this game. Most maps suck. I quit half the lobbies im in.
It frustrates me that team players can block your movement completely. It’s annoying. Fine game but I miss ground war with a larger battlefield.
I played it for a few weeks. I just simply don’t enjoy it anywhere near the level of Cold War, BO3 and MW2019, which are the 3 CODs I spend most of my gaming time on