No war but class war

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# “There’s class warfare, all right, but it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.”

― Warren Buffett

Turns out leftist policies are really really popular if you don’t tell people they’re “leftist”

Please, right wingers, PLEASE!!! We’re literally all waiting on you to understand this. Don’t be fooled by FOX, CNN, or grifters like Ben Shapiro and that ilk….they want you to stare to the jingling keys. We don’t hate you and want to destroy your lives, we’re just frustrated that you either can’t or refuse to push back against power.

What do you think the left versus right is? Conservativism is about preventing change and when it happens preserving “tradition” which includes traditional hierarchies.

Leftism is about reducing or ending hierarchies explicitly.

What in the hell do you think left vs right is about?

What do you think it’s always been about?

There’s a reason why the republicans argue that inequity is good, income inequality is good, that the tax breaks should go to the wealthy, and that businesses should be deregulated and government dismantled, and it ain’t because they don’t like trans kids or immigrants.

That is literally what left vs. right is. Working class vs. the rich. It has always been that.

There is no lower, middle or upper class. Only workers and owners (capitalists). They keep fomenting a culture war to keep you from fighting a class war.

So the right is now suddenly in favor of a labor movement? Last I heard they were busy dick riding billionaires.

Keep this attitude. They want us to be at eachothers throats so we leave them alone. Fuck them all

Every congresscritter, no matter their side of the aisle, has far more in common with their fellow congresscritters than with their constituents. They attend the same galas, eat at the same restaurants, eventually send their kids to the same schools.

This has always been the case, but part of the class war is psychological and unfortunately we didn’t have access to any media that wasn’t owned and controlled by the ownership class until very recently with the internet.

“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”
Robber baron Jay Gould

As true today as it was when he said it in the 19th century.

This war, that war

Class war, last war

But the poor people side with the rich because they don’t want to openly admit to being poor or to themselves and are afraid of handicapping themselves because they think they’ll get rich. Obviously not everyone but I definitely feel like it’s out there.

The fact it took murdering a CEO for people to see this annoys me to no end.

Hey Conservatives, lefty here. I’m up for a truce if we wanna take down the oligarchy. We can yell at each other over woke shit after. Can’t fix any of our problems without kicking the oligarchy to the curb. Who’s down?

Now you all get it? Congrats, this has been the issue for DECADES

That used to mean the same thing, but then we had decades of propaganda and here we are

One side is much worse. This equivocating bullshit is conservative propaganda to make people think both sides are the same. If you look at voting records of lawmakers this is objectively not true.

It’s time to stop “punching” our neighbors to the left and right and start “punching up,” *Metaphorically,* of course

The Life-Giving Sword
by Yagyu Munenori

YES!! We’re finally starting to get the point. The first domino has fallen and the tapestry will continue to burn.

Always and forever

The biggest lie the right wing fascists foisted upon the american public is that his is a war about culture, and not economics.

It’s not even the poor vs the rich, it’s the Uber rich vs everybody else. 

Pedophiles and rapists vs. people who don’t actively vote for pedophiles and rapists

Yeah it’s not the left vs the right, the right just happens to always vote in line with the rich. It’s OK though, they’re not doing it because they hate *poor* people, they’re doing it because they hate *brown* people. 

Get real.

But there absolutely is a left v right in the sense of even remedying class differences have different solutions. Especially gradualistic or revolutionary, proper procedure or civil disobedience, etc.

Yeah, except the right wing and all their supporters are empowering the ruling class.

I’m glad everyone’s having this realization… about seven months too late.

never any war but class war

death to fascism

Always has been. Media is engineered hate towards each other to advert attention away from the real enemy, the super rich who exploit the avg person.

And quick reminder, the “rich” aren’t the people making 200k. We’re taking about the ruling class here.

This is stupid

Let’s Go!!!

What I’ve been going on for years now as an ex-conservative. We want the same shit and we’re both economically the same.

It’s just conservatives gobble up the bullshit propaganda about pronouns, BLM/CRT/DEI, feminism, and whatever else that has actual positive effects on their lives that they don’t realize and vote for the people shoving that propaganda so that they can keep them distracted with a “culture war” instead of a class war.

This gets real hard when some of the poor side would rather fight immigrants and trans people than the rich.

Yes but forget Drake. That guys a creep.

cant even call it the poor vs. the rich
since we see poor people voting for the right thinking they are on theirs side

The middle class of people with nothing but a high school diploma is mostly gone. We now have a huge segment of the population that “self-identifies as middle class”. They really live paycheck to paycheck, and most “self-identifying middle class” people couldn’t afford a $2,000 emergency without using a credit card with 25%+ interest.

>Terminology differs in the United States, where the term middle class [in the US] describes people who in other countries would be described as working class.

Most “middle class” people in the US would be referred to as the working poor in other parts of the world. They have no real liquid or semi-liquid savings, no potential to save, and the slightest bit of elevated inflation wipes out decades of gains for them, while giving them nothing (they have no assets that inflate). They don’t own appreciable assets.

It’s a mass delusion in our country, where people have to lie to themselves about their financial position… because acknowledging the truth would mean acknowledging the fact that their economic freedom is declining, from generation to generation.

Oh, and telling people what they need to do to adapt is just rude. You’re supposed to lie to them, and say “I’m sure it’ll get better.” (It won’t. It’ll get worse.)

“No war but class war” is a leftist ideology 😭 you are killing me

The difference between left and right isn’t really about who they hate and what they want. We agree on that. It’s really about who they think they can trust: poor people and hippies vs white men and billionaires.

finally, someone said it. eat the rich

Always has been, unfortunately the poors love them some Trump

Leftist will say this than they will disagree on one small thing and call each other fascist as they fight each other.

People keep saying this but what should people give up to join in class solidarity?

Should they compromise their views on abortion? LGBTQ-related issues? Immigration? Gun rights? And which way should the compromise go?

Death of the UHC CEO has shown me the **only** hard defined line between the right and left in America is literally just bigotry.

We fundamentally agree on basically everything except that black, brown, asian, gay, and trans people should be respected as equals.

The Left needs the Right to preserve what works and push back against unnecessary change where it isn’t needed.

The Right needs the Left to push for change where things don’t work and progress us into a better tomorrow.

We should fight against those that seek to poison the very ground beneath our feet for something as petty as more riches. We are not enemies.

Post this on EVERY political discussion board you can find and never stop. This should be the number 1 post of 2025!

One of the greatest political achievements was convincing people leftist policies are for the rich and by the rich.

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