fun fact: ed sheeran, her best friend, started his own tour mid-2022 and only finish September next year. Tours are getting so long now
3 months ago
Tour ends ✅
Fans happy ✅
Generational wealth ✅
3 months ago

Wut ze faq¿
3 months ago
Dang I thought it had ended
Also what movie is that from I know Ive watched it just can’t remember
3 months ago
Alittle under 2 years. It started March 2023. Coldplay and Ed Sheeran are still on their tours which both started in 2022 and are slated to end next year
Two years?? It wasn’t a swift tour then.
fun fact: ed sheeran, her best friend, started his own tour mid-2022 and only finish September next year. Tours are getting so long now
Tour ends ✅
Fans happy ✅
Generational wealth ✅

Wut ze faq¿
Dang I thought it had ended
Also what movie is that from I know Ive watched it just can’t remember
Alittle under 2 years. It started March 2023. Coldplay and Ed Sheeran are still on their tours which both started in 2022 and are slated to end next year
How many concerts did she give a month?

*insert swifty music here*